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Channeling with EBE2! 02.03.2016 (part 2) (edited 2020)

I talked with a woman from planet SERPO (Selpo) in Zeta Reticuli. It was so interesting and funny. This was a real channeling. There were many funny moments. I didn’t expect it, and neither Ebe2 did. (This is gonna be embarrassing. By the way, my comments from 2020 are written between brackets using an italic font)

(I f*cking like Ebens, they’re so funny, interesting, unpredictable, and creepy, and then they give you answers to your questions in unexpected ways and in the wrong moments. Oh yeah and….EBE2 is Dr. Michael Wolf’s alien, Kolta??? I doubt it now, but the alien Dr. Wolf talked about seems to be an Eben. He describes him as looking different than an Eben though. Well, let’s see why I think that Kolta is Ebe2.)

Channeling in progress (after a quick explanation to EBE2 related to what is about to happen)…

Me to Ebe2 during channeling, I will count to eight and you'll get the control over this body and you will be able to see and to move ....1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8... can you get up? (I had no idea what else to say)

EBE 2: -Yes. *rests in elbows and hardly gets up, looks at me and says:

-Oh, hello.

-Hello. Welcome to Earth. (and let the embarrassment come)

-Am I on Earth? -EBE 2 gets excited and looks out the window

-It doesn't look bad. (I remember the winter had just passed and the trees had no leaves yet, everything was looking grey)

-Yes... and look... 5 fingers on hands. –I show her my hands; EBE 2 is looking at her hands, presses them, and puts them on top of each other. (ok, I finally understand why some aliens act weird when meeting other species. Ain’t the only stupid one. Sometimes you just need to make it clear that you’re different and act different and don’t know how to start a conversation hahaha. Hehe, once an alien made a joke about his long, thin fingers to make me feel better. It was Geronimo’s request because he couldn't make me laugh.)

-Ebens have 4 fingers, don't they? We have 5 toes also. But how many toes do you have?


-Do you know how to count?


-So many? *showing her five fingers

-Or so many? *showing her four fingers

EBE 2 tries to count them.

-Yes.. I think so. (Hmmm, she seemed confused. So I feel in the astral, during abductions, or when I see things I’ve never seen before and my brain doesn’t get them well. I start getting it. EBE2 perceived the channeling as a dream, or as something telepathically hard to process during her routine. Still not sure.)

-You really don’t know how to count? I thought the astronauts have taught you to count... to do calculations... for example 1+1. (I still remember how surprised I was. Well maybe she knew how to count but she didn’t really understand what “ to count” means)

-..2, right?


-I'd like to show you some images related to your race... in order to know if they are correct.


I turn to the computer and I look for the folder within the pictures. The first image contains the name of their planet, obviously misspelled: Serpo; and some bad-drawn EBEns (1.1)

click to enlarge

img. 1.1

-A man tried to make a drawing and the planet's name is misspelled... you can't pronounce the letter 'l' and the astronauts have thought you said 'Serpo', not 'Selpo'.

-Seriously? I didn't realize it. (not sure if she meant that she didn’t realize that they misspelled it or simply reacting to what I said)

-Also, a man tried to draw some Ebens, but I guess they don't look like you.

-No.. I mean... we don’t have the eyes really... pfuu...*making an 'explosive' gesture with her hands around her eyes meaning that their face doesn't look like that)

(I started to laugh)

-And you don't have grey skin.


Then I show her another image in which the presentation of the planet Selpo on the ground is attempted. (1.2) 1.2 -Here people tried to present what Selpo looks like. Is it right? (EBE 2 stares in a weird way at the picture) -Almost. It is alike.

In picture 1.3 I show her a sketch of their society


-Again a presentation of your houses... Do they really look that way? -Yes...they look alike. -But do you communicate using sounds? -Yes. (she's touching her teeth with the tongue, in fact, Cela’s teeth) (I’m about to laugh, I remember this, she got somehow bored and started checking her “new body” and the teeth were definitely something interesting so she kept passing her tongue over them for some time. Oh yeah and the boobs, I cut that part from the blog’s post because it was weird to read it, but her first reactions after being channeled were to investigate her host body, and since Ebens didn’t get mammary glands… she specified that “something big hangs on the chest”. Actually, every single channeled male or non-mammary being had this reaction, especially Johnny who thought that “this girl is so sexy”. Oh, my poor Cela. And, I'm having a hard time understanding that Johnny. ) -What are you doing? *me laughing* You don't have big teeth, right?... or you have no teeth... -Uh-huh, haa.. *she keeps checking them* -And humans can't learn your language. But you have a writing, look.


Is it spelled correctly?

-Yes... but it's a little crooked.

-Can you translate it?

-No, I don't understand.


-I don't know. I can't remember. But I know that I liked one of them...(she is looking for it)... This one! (She's getting up from the bed and is showing me on the screen the symbol that I circled in image 1.4)

-Do you know what it means?

-No, but I know that I have liked it.

-Can you use telepathy?


-Then why don't you use it to communicate more clearly with humans?

(EBE 2 shrugged)

-Ok. People of yours came on Earth. Such as Chi'el'ah (J-Rod).

-I don't know him.

-Or Kolta... you said about a particular Korta, but I think you wanted to say Kolta. (I was talking about some things I read on the internet, I should have thought that she can’t know everything, actually, they seem to know pretty little about their history or space programs. It’s like most of them need to know only the least about their species and conserve the resources so the “main workers” can use them for important research. We could control galaxies with our planet’s resources, but you know…we’re fucked up humans who consume too much for stupid pleasures.) -No... I don't know. I show her an image of Kolta (1.5)


-Look... he's Kolta.

-He looks like me, I don't know him.

( EBE2 was able to easily recognize the gender of an Eben individual, so if this Kolta or Korta -or any way they meant to name him- looked like EBE2 then: 1. This alien was a female and 2. What if actually, it was EBE2? Because later I wrote somewhere that a book or information for a book was given to humans by EBE2 –not sure if they meant another alien code-named like this-. But just what if, it is just a hypothesis.

But on the other hand, Ebe2 talked about an alien who appeared on a video, the alien was a hoax, I am sure. This made me doubt Cela’s sincerity. And yet, I tried a specific thing on Cela during the sessions to see if she’ll react to it after she woke up. But there was no reaction. She never mentioned that thing again.)

-I think he's part of your race. I heard that he likes hugs... the hugs are your form of greeting, right?

(EBE 2 smiles friendly to me) -Yes.

-And I know that you like to sing.


-The astronauts took part in your celebrations and they heard you singing... and I don't want to offend you, but... they said that your voices scratched their ears. (Why did I f*cking say that??)

- I like how it sounds.

-Maybe, you think our voices sound bad...

She says nothing, no reaction

In image 1.6 an Eben is represented (or a species created by Ebens, an Archquloid) 1.6 -Here is a photo of an Eben. Is it from your race? -Yes. -This is what your eyes look like? So, this is under the black lenses? -Yes. -I think they are from the north of the planet. Where are you from? - ...from the south. (no idea how she knew it if she said it randomly) -And.. is this a man or a woman? - It's a man. (wow, she answered me so fast and confidently) -Okay. (I remember I was out of words because she was confused sometimes and so unexpectedly confident in her words other times. I was constantly wondering if Cela is just lying to me for fun so we can finish faster. Because she did once, I can’t blame her, I’m an abusive psycho when it comes to such things.) Next, I show her a picture of a dead Eben... I regretted that I had to show her such an image. (but now I’m fine with it because, heh, Ebens are really fine with certain things)

1.7.1 1.7.2

-I guess this one is from your race too. -Yes... -And is this a man or a woman. -A man. -You recognize them very quickly. For me, they all look the same. How do you manage to distinguish them? -I simply can…they have certain characteristics by which I recognize them. -I guess that small wounds can be deadly for you. This Eben has wounds that aren’t dangerous for humans.


-No. (I am not sure if she understood me; sometimes she just said yes or no) Next, it is a picture showing comic scenes on Selpo (1.8) Here people tried to do some scenes with the astronauts on your planet. (I'm showing EBE2 how people imagined she looked like; in the drawings, EBE2 is the woman in a white dress) -They imagined that you look like that... but you don't. -No... I don't. -And I suppose you weren’t dressed like that. (Big surprise, no clothes, even if my memories are blurry, I can’t remember seeing any clothes on them) -No. -But is that the color of your costume? (I'm showing her the Eben dressed in the red suit) -No. -But which is it? -Ah.. it' (She has no idea how to say the colors, she’s looking for something around that has the wanted color) (There is something really weird about all this, she couldn’t count or name colors, the way channeling works and how the brain or the material body processes all these facts is a total mystery to me) -Can you see the colors? -Yes. (I read somewhere that they have blue suits, so I’m pointing to a blue tablecloth) -Like this? This color? -Yes, exactly. -I found out that you use some small devices for communication, you gave some to the astronauts too. (See the box kept by the Eben in the red suit in image 1.8) -Yes. -And... I heard that the astronauts have tried to show you how a phone works! But you couldn't understand. I show EBE 2 my small phone, Alcatel brand. She takes it, and she taps randomly on all the keys, except the unlocking key. She's hitting several times the screen with her finger. Then she notices my background image: two Greys hugging. It seems that she likes it, she stares and smiles. (I wish I had a better phone and better technology at that time when I still wasn’t depressed. My vision about existence was another one, I loved it.)


-Ah... look... I like aliens. (I was talking about my background pic. I don’t remember if she said something) Then I show her another image from comics (1.9) -Here people tried to show how you have lunch. That's how it is? -Yes ... it's similar. -...with your children... I know that your children grow up faster than the children of humans who grow up more slowly. For example, for humans, I'm a kid and I shouldn't talk to aliens or do such things ... in fact, it is forbidden to contact you and talk with you, but I preferred to risks. (Forbidden in astral, ‘cause as long I don’t post any pictures of real aliens or do some dangerous shit like Carmen and I did in astral) -... -And they claimed that such creatures exist on your planet... (image 1.9) -No, we don't have such animals... is it ______? (I forgot what word she used; a word that I didn't understand, a difficult word to pronounce) -Um... (EBE 2 realizes I don't understand what she's talking about) -... does it have claws? (I can’t remember at all these words, tetrapod, anthropoid or cheliped are related words, but I can’t remember if she used one of these. How could she know such a word? She barely could name colors!) -Um... I don't know... I guess it doesn't have... humans couldn't imagine how life is on your planet. -Humans are stupid. -That's what you think about people? (haha, I was so surprised, we were talking about random stuff and she suddenly had to say that “Humans are stupid”. Events are unpredictable and funny, and sometimes I get doubts about their character. Eben came along with his mate, and he acted so normally even after all those moods caused by backaches and the events before and after. He always was so sudden and in a hurry. Every time I meet Ebens I can remember only short sequences and barely their bodies. I should write in a separate post the things I didn’t mention about Eben. I figured out some important things from my astral memories. It took me so long because of the MSE.) -Not you.... but some.. -Yes... usually people are bad. -... -This is a picture of your food. Does it look like that? (image 1.9) (Hm, I should have quit the session but I was too curious) -Almost. -The astronauts said that it tastes like paper. -I don't know what is the taste of paper. -I don't think you want to know... I mean it’s a kind of dry food, almost tasteless. EBE 2 approves and then she sees a hand-made poster on the wall with the text “Roswell Rules”. -"Roswell...Ra-les" (She misspelled “Rules”) What does it mean? -Roswell Rules - I correct her and translate it into Romanian -Roswell ... is it your name? -No. Didn't you hear about Roswell? It's an area where many Grey aliens were encountered... maybe even from your race. (How could she, why am I so stupid? XD) -I don't know. -... -I know that the women of your species wear a shawl... something around the neck.. like that (I show her a red scarf) How do you put it? (Oh, it was a thick one, I would have liked to have a thin one so she can tie it easier….and so it doesn’t look that bad XD I can imagine how bad it looked around my neck, I’ll need a psychotherapist after I finish reading this. Important note: I don't remember seeing Ebens wearing any clothes, and Eben's mate had no scarf. Anyway.) She gets up from the bed and comes to me, she takes the scarf and puts it in front of my neck. -We put it in this way and then we catch it somehow in order not to hang... (She passes it around my neck once so the knot can be made at the back, then passes the ends of the scarf under the knot. (I had a picture of this but I deleted it, I can use my imagination to remember how she put it. The idea was that the knot must be at the back and the ends of the scarf shouldn’t hang.) Then we resume the discussion and I show her one last picture. -Um... Do you mind if I show you a picture of your genitals... I mean a picture of how people have described them (“Do you mind if I show you a picture of your genitals?” Dude, show them how you suck your own di*k, they’ll be fine with it. No kidding, Ebens have a different definition for what is mean and inappropriate.) 2.0 -I don’t. -People said that this is what J-rod’s genitals looked like... but I doubt it. (More or less correctly made, the model was made using a description and it’s fucked up. Ok, let’s say that J-rod was made by Ebens so he isn’t really like them, but still…that this is too...whatever. Anyway, the genitals of the Eben species don’t look like that, the female ones are a bit complicated because I saw them only once and I didn’t process them well. And I made some drawings just in case my memory gets even worse. I can't post them here because of nudity reasons haha. And this is a good reason to add the drawing to my book because I plan to write a book one day if I get enough interesting information from astral. ) -No, they aren't like that. -One man said he saw this at J-Rod. -I don't know, I didn’t check in his pants... I'm joking. (I laughed at that and I made that face “No way you said that”. She just sat there smiling while I was getting myself together.) -I heard your genitals are similar to ours. (yeah…um, yeah, not really, but it’s fine, it’s good)

-Your friend says she wants to go back ... (Oh, she was talking about Cela. Not sure if it was true or if Ebe2 got bored or…Cela just got bored and she was lying to me. Anyway…true or not, I got enough memories from astral about Ebens to know they are real, but not enough for my own fun. Hmm..why did I keep complaining about how I met Eben only 2 or 3 times in 4 years, but now I remember I met him about 7-8 times. I also missed a part over here. I am sure that I was talking something about my friendship with Cela and EBE2 didn’t understand it right, so she said: “We are friends”. Maybe she felt bad after directly saying that humans are stupid. I remember I didn’t explain to her that I was talking about Cela and just replied: “Aw, it’s so nice that you say we are friends”. I wrote this part in the P.S. then) -Can you see her? -Yes, she's speaking with an alien. -Yeah... I kept her a little bit over time. I'm glad I talked to you. Now my friend will return to her body. -.... Um... what should I do? -Well... Lie down here... -I point to the bed -Ah... I'm going to sleep. -she says jokingly Post Scriptum: 2 days ago I asked Cela what color Ebens' shawls have, and she said: “BLUE” (in English, not in Romanian).


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