This was on October 12 or 14 mornings and I was busy with work so I forgot to post it at that time.
It was some quick memory of probably an astral travel I had after randomly waking up around 5 AM and going back to sleep.
The only thing I remember is getting some food in a bowl and sitting at one table in something like a bright dining room. There were other people around, but I just wanted to stay at my place and eat while looking around.
At one point it seemed to me that someone in front of me who was sitting at the same table was staring at me insistently, but he moved his gaze if I looked back at them. The thing repeated a few times until we synchronize our gazes.
This person or being seemed somehow human but with large dark eyes, probably not completely black like the Greys' eyes but similar. At first, I couldn't tell if this being had a gender, but their voice sounded male to me. Their skin was white and the head and size were approximately human-like. We also seemed to have a similar height (around 1.60 m). They also seemed to wear some dark thick clothing and had no visible hair or ears.

I asked the person why they were staring at me. They replied something like "for no reason" and then I thought that maybe I took their seat so I asked that. I can't remember exactly what they replied but it was something like a no, then they said they were just wondering if I was fine with them sitting that close to me. I replied that it was fine. After that, they seemed a lot more comfortable and I'm quite sure that they even smiled and tried to start a talk with me but I can't remember anything more than it was some random talk.
I wasn't sure if I should post this as I suspected that it might have been just a random dream, but since it got stuck in my head maybe it was astral travel. I started sleeping more regularly and listening to meditation sounds as an attempt to get back to the stuff I once loved the most.