I was drawing one of the female felines I saw in my old astral travels and I suddenly wondered "why are female felines so aggressive and dominant?". A few years ago when I was about to delete my old blogs I came across a post related to the alien feline species. All the info about them was gathered from the internet and they were described as wonderful, benevolent, and lovely beings.

At the time I created that post I had no personal knowledge about the felines. But that day when I was about to delete the blog, I noticed a comment from a person claiming that the felines are just the opposite, they're threatening and impulsive at that time I had seen two felines in astral and I thought the person was right.
So far I have seen three female felines in my astral travels and all of them made me want to stay away or at least be very cautious around them.
I only meet these beings in out-of-context situations like when I was hanging out with that alien kid and the next thing I remember, there was this female walking and talking to us. She was armed with brass knuckles. She was quite dominant in her behavior and before leaving she told me I wasn't that bad after all and gave us her brass knuckle as something to remember her or maybe as a gift. Other time I was wandering around an alien base and I'm all of sudden shown an image of a female feline posing in an offensive way with a thin sword. And the first time I saw a feline female was before all there, I was sleeping and I woke up in the astral plane, still laying in my bed, as something seemed to bother me. When I opened my eyes I saw a big feline woman staying on top of me, while she kept me immobilized. She was just staring at me and that scared me to death. I don't really remember anything after that.
So yeah, these felines have a reptilian-like temper, but if you manage to get through that temper they seem to be fine.
I wonder how are the experiences of others and how many types of alien felines are known by humans.