 ★ *
☆ master the astral abilities
☆ build a website for teaching astral travel
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☆ get in touch with other abductees/astral travelers, gain knowledge
☆ start studying and practicing astral travel
weekend hobbyist
☆ republish all old posts
☆ create posts-related digital art
Hello there!
Hello, believers! It's Mary Roswell.
| Past
Although now I can recognize some vague memories of alien abductions before age 10, things became more frequent after 13. As in most cases, the events were identified as simple weird dreams that left very few traces in the morning such as nosebleeds or small stings on the hands.
I used to have 2 main blogs where I wrote about my experiences and alien species, but they were deleted. I felt very implied in the alien phenomenon and maybe I should have kept my mouth shut around friends and family.
After a few years, I developed depression and the treatment I received seems to have largely blocked my ability to travel in the astral more than the depression itself would have done.
I began to remember and identify the abductions more and more difficult, but as far as I know, they do not stop at least until the age of 35. I think I was much more affected by the fact that I lost my ability to travel in astral.
| Abductee
As an abductee, I was nothing more than one of the many toys on the Agenda, an unconscious egg donor. Occasionally I woke up during the abductions, waking up with memories of senseless and unusual dreams, and almost all my experiences will appear on this blog.
I want to point out that some of the experiences can be disturbing for some readers.
| Astral traveler
My favorite part is the astral traveling! Sometimes it's funny and relaxing, sometimes it's dangerous and stressful. Sometimes you just visit a being you befriended, other times you try not to be drowned by a Reptilian.
My first experience outside the body was somewhere between 6 and 9 years old and I was very scared when I saw myself floating above my body. It took me a long time to find out what it really was.
| Present
Working, drawing, programming, and trying to keep some balance between these three. On yeah, and sleep, I need a lot of balanced sleep.
I also work on my favorite hobby (as you can see) and plan to develop it into something great if laziness doesn't beat me.
| Future perspectives
I can't predict the future (usually) but I can plan the direction I'm going and I see in that direction a youtube channel with extraterrestrial themes and the first database for storing information about alien species.
on top of that, he can get a decent income from all this work. An astral traveler can dream, right?