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Release 29e - The Timeframe of INFLATION and CONTRACTION(16 June 2008)





UNIVERSE at the very end of this posting!

Our current scientific viewpoint defines the Universe as all

matter and energy, including Earth, the galaxies and all therein, and

the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole. Fundamentally,

it is viewed as an immense collection of stellar material originating

from a primeval "explosion," appropriately termed the "Big Bang," from

which all time, space, life and Being originated.

However, the extent of our knowledge of the Universe is quite elementary

and is severely limited by the power of our telescopes and other such

research devices. According to the Plejaran extraterrestrials, we have

not even begun to peer into the unfathomably vast expanses of our

Universe, let alone understand what it actually is and how it truly


The Plejarans - a civilization over 8,000 years ahead of us in

technical knowledge and one which receives wisdom and knowledge from

beings much more highly evolved and knowledgeable than they - are

themselves at a loss to fully understand the Universe and the mysterious

meaning of its existence.


To begin to explain the concepts of the Universe, it would be helpful to

note that the Plejarans generally use the term "Universe" synonymously

with the term "Creation." The most fundamental energy which comprises

the Universe, respectively Creation, is the finest of energies

appropriately labeled as "fine matter" by the Plejarans, or spiritual


This level of matter has yet to be discovered by terrestrial scientists

and remains still hidden during mankind's quest to understand the true

origin and nature of our physical reality and its manifold secrets.

To further expand on the definition of Creation, an excerpt from FIGU's

periodical, Stimme der Wassermannzeit (Voice of the Aquarian Age), No.

89, December 1993 states the following:

"Creation is the immeasurable mystery suspended in immeasurable expanse.

Creation is identical to 'Universal Consciousness,' which guides and

prevails in the BEING of consciousness; it is a DOUBLE-HELIX, EGG-SHAPED

CONFIGURATION that simultaneously constitutes the Universe in its

growing expansion. Its pulsating double-helix arms live as spiritual

energy, while rotating against each other."

The Universe is Creation's internal and external body.

- Creation - through its entirety pulsate the Universal 'Gemüt' (a

non-translatable German term for the spiritual counterpart to the

psyche) and the Universal Consciousness, the power of life and existence

in general.

- Creation pervades everything and everything pervades Creation,

therefore forming oneness within itself. Within this oneness occur all

life and all of the evolution allotted to it.

- Creation has the identical developmental and evolutionary process as

every life form - however, its values of time are anchored in very

high values indeed.

- Creation itself exists in a conscious creative state for seven

Great-Times. Subsequently it lays dormant for an equal number of

Great-Times, but this time they last seven times as long. Following

this period, Creation is awake to create once again for a period

seven times as longer once again than the previous one.

Our universe EXPANDS for = 155,520,000,000,000 terrestrial years;

Our universe CONTRACTS for = 155,520,000,000,000 terrestrial years;

and then it "sleeps" and cogitates its previous existence in its "awake"

cycle for an EQUAL number of years;

155,520,000,000,000 + 155,520,000,000,000 = ...

1 Greattime = 311,040,000,000,000 terrestrial years;

7 Greattimes = 2,177,280,000,000,000 terrestrial years and is called an


7 Eternities = 1 Cosmic Greattime or All Greattime =

15,240,960,000,000,000 terrestrial years.

[15 quadrillion, 240 trillion, 960 billion Earth-terrestrial years.]


We are nearly 46,000,000,000,000 [trillion] Earth years into the SECOND

EXPANSION CYCLE [second Greattime] since the "Big Bang" event took


- Creation is The Creation and there exists no Creation other than it

within its own Universe.

- Creation is the Creation of all creations such as the Universe, the

galaxies, stars, earths (earth is equivalent to 'planets' in this

context), skies, light and darkness, time, space and all multitudes of

life forms in existence, each according to its own species.

- Creation is justice, love, strength, wisdom, knowledge, compassion,

freedom, mercy, laws, directive, alliance, fulfillment, evolution, life,

support, joy, beauty, peace, infallibility, equilibrium, spirit,

forever, logic, growth, perfection, contentment, inexhaustibility,

omnipotence, sweetness, infinity, solidarity, perception, harkening,

elevation, the Sohar, gentleness, lucidity, purity, transformation,

origin, future, power, reverence, allness and BEING.

- Creation is the BEING and non-BEING of life. It is the most immense

mass of spiritual energy in the Universe.

- Creation is spirit in its purest form and immeasurable in its

wisdom, knowledge, love and harmony in truth.

- Creation is a spiritually dynamic, pure-spirit energy that prevails

over everything. Incomprehensible for human beings, it is an active,

creative wisdom in the midst of its own incessant evolution; it is

all-encompassing for all times.

- Creation is verity, the all-embracing, solace, comprehensiveness,

guidance, equality, accuracy, cognition, empirical knowledge,

admonition, discipline, recollection, revelation, praise, perfection,

explanation and direction.

- Creation is the path of life; it is nature, light, fire and

contemplation; Creation is consciousness, and it is omnipresent. Glory

be to Creation.


In its initial stage, Creation exists in a slumber or cogitating state.

It begins virtually as small as a "flea" and is highly concentrated

spiritual energy formed by the ultimately highest form of Creation above

it, designated by the Plejarans as the Absolute-Absolutum. A "spiritual"

explosion subsequently occurs which instantly fills the entire space the

Universe initially occupies.

Creation continues to expand for a period of time during which physical

matter, i.e., celestial bodies and life forms, are continuously being

created within it. Our Universe is nearly 46 trillion years into the

second expansion cycle since the Big Bang took place. Creation will

experience a total of seven (7) expansion/contraction cycles before

moving into the next level of its evolution.


In order to grasp a better understanding of Creation, it would be easier

to depict it in a diagrammatic form. This, however, proves to be nearly

impossible given the incredibly immense proportions of its components,

namely its seven (7) belts or levels of energy, however an attempt is

made (further below) to display a schematic in order to provide at least

a hint of its enormous size.

The schematic presented below from:

[link is no longer working]

is based on data present at the time just after the "Big Bang." Our

Universe has since expanded, reflecting much higher measurement values.

Imagine our expanding Universe as a gigantic sphere. Now imagine if you

were to slice the Universe in half, thereby exposing the seven (7)

individual belts or layers within. Each belt is represented here by a

distinct color for illustration purposes only. One thing that should

become obvious at this point is that you can only discern four out of

the seven "shells" with the colors green, red, yellow and the small,

center point being blue.

The name and width of these layers, from the outermost to the innermost,

are defined below. The widths given are the "thickness" of each shell,

not its diameter. (Please bear in mind that this depiction is no where

near an actual scale model of the Universe.):

7) The Displacement Belt (Green): width = 1.4 x 10/7 light years;

6) The Creation Belt (Red): width = 1.4 x 10/64 light years;

5) The Transformation Belt (Yellow): width = 1 x 10/55 light years;

4) The Solid-State Matter Universe Belt (Blue) (includes all galaxies,

planets, stars, gases, etc.): width = 2.5 x 10/15 light years.

So then, where are the remaining three layers? The outer layers

described above are so incredibly large that the innermost layers would

not even show up as a pin point of color, yet they are huge distances,

nonetheless. Below is an expanded view of the interior portion of our

Universe, starting with the blue "Material Universe" belt described

above and the remaining three belts (pink, orange and purple) shown as

an exploded pie segment. Note how significantly small our "material"

Universe actually is when compared to its entire scope.

3) The Ur-Space Belt (Pink): width = 1 x 10/14 light years;

2) The Ur-Core Belt (Orange): width = 1 x 10/14 light years;

1) The Central Core (Purple): radius = 3.5 light years.

The function of the individual belts in our Universe involves a constant

transfer of energies; all of this providing the capability for our

Universe to manifest a material or physical belt in which stellar

material, floral, faunal and human life can develop. To elaborate on

these functions, Billy Meier responds to a question about the Material

Belt of our Universe:

An excerpt from FIGU Bulletin #5 by Billy Meier

QUESTION: "What is the Universal Material Belt?"

ANSWER: The Universal Material Belt is that part or belt, respectively,

of the Universe where matter exists, that is to say, planets, suns,

galaxies, meteors, comets, gases, the entire dark matter and other

things. All of these things exist only within this material belt,

whereas no material whatsoever can be found in the internal and external

belts (of which there exist seven in all). In the so-called

Transformation Belt those forms develop from which matter develops that

later exists in the Material Belt, hence in our visible DERN Universe.

This is the only portion of the Universe we human beings are capable of

seeing and exploring. We cannot see anything beyond it, for only total

emptiness and blackness reign there. Absolutely nothing can be observed

or detected - even with the best modern astronomical or other

extraordinary tools available to us. The inner and outer belts beyond

our visible material Universe are practically endless, and are vast and

dark if one excludes the innermost, radiant belt where the Big Bang

originated approximately 46 trillion years ago.

The after effects of the Big Bang continue to linger within the adjacent

belt which, looking at it from Earth, is roughly 1.25 x 10/15 light

years away at its closest proximity. Terrestrial scientists are

incapable of peering and listening into these depths of space even with

the most elaborate super devices. And this indicates precisely the

degree of our scientists' narrow-mindedness, when they claim the

Universe is barely as old as the distance they can penetrate into the

nearly endless space with their observation devices and contraptions.

They do not have the remotest clue that the Universe extends far beyond

what they envision it to be, and that it has six additional belts in

total, which are void of any coarse material or matter. Matter itself is

in constant transformation within the Material Belt and it is,

therefore, subject to growth and disintegration processes. For this

reason, matter can never be or become as old as the complete Universe.

At any given time, therefore, only young matter can be found in the

Material Universe; matter that can, at best, be a mere 40 or 45 billion

years old - in a solid and compact state - while the age of the

Complete Universe beyond the Material Belt, respectively our Material

Universe, amounts to approximately 46 trillion years.

The attempt to schematically depict the Complete Universe, is an

impossible feat due to its colossal size. Additionally, its SPIRAL-EGG

SHAPE complicates everything even more. Nonetheless, here is an attempt

by way of a circular diagram, a model, to illustrate an overview of what

our Complete Universe looks like, which bears the name DERN Universe.

The sketched proportions do not correspond in distance with one another,

of course, since this is only a schematic diagram; for more specific

data regarding this material I suggest you read Guido Moosbrugger's

lecture, as printed in our FIGU pamphlet "Überdenkenswerte Vorträge"

(Lectures to Ponder - available only in German at this point).

In [the above] illustration, Belt #4 [blue] depicts our Material

Universe, that is to say, the part of the Complete Universe where the

galaxies exist with suns, planets, meteors, gas clouds, comets and so

forth. The Ur-Space #3 [pink] is the belt from which emanates the

so-called background radiation that leads back to the Ur-Core #2

[orange], the actual Ur-Layer, in whose center lies the Central-Core #1

[purple] that constitutes the actual Big Bang location, the Big Bang


Beginning in the Ur-Space, matter starts its development and then passes

into the Universe Belt, hence, our Material Universe. This matter

consists of energy, however, which intermingles with other energy forms

that penetrate from the Transformation Belt #5 [yellow] into our

Material Universe. The energy matter from Ur-Space is POSITIVE, while

the other matter from the Transformation Belt is NEGATIVE. As they join

in the Material Universe, they develop into new energy forms from which,

ultimately, coarse matter evolves.

In the Transformation Belt #5 [yellow] the fine matter energies of the

Creation Belt #6 [red] are transformed into energy forms that already

extend into the realm of material energy. This makes them absorbable by

the Transformation Belt, and they are turned into coarse energy.

The Creation Belt #6 [red] absorbs the finest of energies from the space

of the Absolute Absolutum, which is located beyond the Displacement

Belt, also called Ram Belt #7 [green], whose function it is to nudge

away the walls of other universes that float within the space of the

Absolute Absolutum as well. The Displacement Belt also performs another

function, namely that of absorbing the finest energy matters from the

Absolute Absolutum sphere and passing them on into the Creational Belt.

This process supplies the Complete Universe with all the indispensable

energies it needs to exist. Although it created itself or, rather, was

created through the Ur-Idea of the previous Ur-Creation, one can see

that the Complete Universe nevertheless requires external energies -

in this case from the Absolute Absolutum - upon whose finest energies

ultimately 10/49 different forms of Creation depend in infinite number.

Regardless of the fact that the Complete Creation, Universal

Consciousness, or whatever one wishes to call the Complete Universe, is

capable of supporting itself, it nonetheless requires some force, an

energy, that enables the Universe to achieve it. This force or energy is

provided by the ABSOLUTE ABSOLUTUM.

The Absolute Absolutum is the only entity capable of passing on the

indispensable and fundamental energies to all existing forms of

creations within the entire vastness of all Creational forms, so that

they, in turn, have the capability of being able to support themselves.

And yet, even the Absolute Absolutum is dependent upon an external life

energy, which it does not draw from a higher type of Creation, but

directly from what human beings call the ABSOLUTE NOTHING. The Absolute

Nothing does, however, contain the fundamental, finest energies from

which the Absolute Absolutum SELF-CREATED ITSELF an unfathomably long

time ago.



A good reference to the enormous time frames of our Universe is located

at the Web site:

A similar listing of cosmic numbers is at:

and see the LAST section at the BOTTOM of the page at:

In some Hindu Astronomical books, there is a section recounting this

ancient cosmology, probably for historical reference. There might be




In the attached outstanding article, reference is made to serious

scientific discussion of so-called human "junk DNA" having perhaps an

extraterrestrial origin suggesting past bio-genetic manipulation of Homo

sapiens sapiens in eons past by one or more alien races.

However, for those "gnostics" on this list, i.e., the elite few who are

"in the know," who have followed and studied the voluminous contact

notes of the Billy Meier/Pleiadian case for years, this is OLD news. ALL

of this information is specified in:

AND YET,... THEY FLY! - By Guido Moosbrugger, Steelmark Publishing,

June © 2001, ISBN# 0971152306, $26.95, p. 349, Chapter 15, "Prophecies

& Predictions":

DNA MANIPULATIONS - Scientists will discover the manipulated gene from

ancient times in the DNA chain responsible for the rapid aging in human

beings. Preparations in this area began already in 1994. However,

whether scientists make their discovery public and utilize their

findings to their fullest merit is questionable.

The way things look now, public disclosures regarding these

discoveries will not be made until a much later date, and probably will

still remain this way for a very long time before the public will be

fully informed about the discovery.

Therefore, a long period will pass before the GENETIC MANIPULATIONS ARE

REVERSED by retro-manipulation of the pertinent gene.

For the time being, scientists will be unaware that the gene they have

stumbled upon is the key factor, and that it is THIS PARTICULAR GENE

which was previously manipulated once before, many MILLIONS OF YEARS


p. 353: THE DNA FIGHT AGAINST AGING - However, barely three (3)

decades prior to this event, a third DNA information code will be

discovered in the human body, and the first concrete steps will be

undertaken to eliminate diseases in the elderly, heart diseases and

attrition. After approximately 25 years, these efforts will prove


p. 356: IMMORTALITY INCREASED - Problems will also occur within human

populations because their relative immortality, that is, the increase in

human longevity, will amount to life spans of from 350 - 450 years.

This increase in longevity will also precipitate increasingly greater

problems of overpopulation and all other subsequent obstacles, which

will include migrations that will result in new types of interbred


Among them will be a group who call themselves Eurasians. They will

demand the Eurasian region for their homeland at a time when the

"semi-humans," those with human-animal, genetically-manipulated

creatures and the robot-humans will be creating incredible problems.

These difficulties will lead to the deplorable decline of every space

travel program and nearly bring space travel to a complete standstill.

The problem will come about because of the robot-humans' and

semi-humans' refusal to continue working for normal human beings, and

because of their unwillingness to continue a life of subservience and

exploitation as living maneuvering devices for spaceships, vehicles,

equipment, war machines and such other gadgetry. These events will

transpire at a time when a climatic reversal begins on Earth because of

the Sun's noticeably weakening activity triggered by reduced nuclear

fusion within.

p. 360: MORE GENETIC MANIPULATIONS - This is also the time when

geriatric research, through genetic reverse-manipulation, will release

the human population from the premature aging curse; a curse that was

brought about long ago in the initial fighting peoples' genes by the

gene manipulators, the "creator-overlords."

This REVERSE MANIPULATION will afford Man an EVEN LONGER LIFE SPAN than that achieved by terrestrial geneticists through prior procedures,

whereby human lives increased to an average life expectancy of 400

years. These new achievements will produce an EXTREMELY LONG HUMAN LIFE


In the ensuing few years, the time will come when intelligent ocean

dwellers will begin to contact human beings and communicate with them,

and a new race of terrestrial inhabitants will thereby be founded. Then

the time will come when aggressions with Martian inhabitants [populated

by Earth's inhabitants who started colonies] will begin and result in

the actual launching of attacks on the colonies. These events will be

followed by 15 years of relative calm, finally bringing good fortune to

the Earth's inhabitants in their quest to find their actual origins.

A terrestrial space expedition will penetrate into the regions of Sirius

and discover, or rather locate there, proof of the Ur-Ur-Ur-ancestry of

the human beings on Earth, who previously were PROCREATED THROUGH



This discovery will reveal that over many millennia, the terrestrials'

ancestors fled across long twisting paths, found the Sol system and

began settling there. This, humankind on Earth will eventually find its

direction back TO ITS ORIGIN - which, of course, will not suddenly

resolve mankind's problems by any means.


CREATOR-OVERLORDS - Of course, linked to this discovery will also be

contacts with very distant ancestors of the previous

"creator-overlords," as well as other intelligences from Sirius that

will, by then, no longer lead to the pursuit and slaughter of the

genetically-manipulated descendants, the terrestrials.

The contacts will lead to a collaboration instead, resulting in the


turn, will result in the birth of new descendants who will be normal and

no longer be degenerate. The circle finally closes and Man will become a

TRUE HUMAN BEING, in equilibrium with the negative and positive.

The reversal of this previous degeneration-gene manipulation, along with

the continuing climbing OVERpopulation, precipitated even more so by the

extraordinary human longevity, will result in plans for THE

ERADICATION OF THOSE HUMANS IN WHOM THE GENETIC REVERSE MANIPULATION HAD NOT YET BEEN PERFORMED, on Earth as well as on all other worlds colonized by terrestrials, and space stations inhabited by them.

This eradication will transpire in the same manner previously proclaimed

and demanded by responsible individuals a very long time ago: A

worldwide HALT in the birthrate over a 7-YEAR cycle. Within this

framework, ONLY PARENTS whose degeneration was previously eradicated

through genetic reverse-manipulation will BE PERMITTED TO PROCREATE.

ONLY those individuals, therefore, will be legally entitled to sire an

offspring. Illegal pregnancies will be ASSESSED AS THE MOST ABHORRENT

CRIME, punishable by DEATH to the guilty parties.

This concept will only come about as an inescapable law five (5) years

before the period when complete authority over planet Earth is placed

into the hands of the administrative sphere within the Sirius alliance,

and enforced therefrom.


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