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Posting Five by Anonymous (13 November, 2005)

Thank you for the cooperation you display regarding my information. Your attention to this matter is highly and greatly appreciated. I sometime type faster that think and thus my fingers make the grammar/spelling errors!

My colleagues and I are discussing several different options regarding the release of this information. First, we must obtain proper sanction from past officials. The group called MJ-12 - which wasn't really the group that controlled the information - but for the sake of clarity, we'll just call them "MJ-12." The actual name of the group who controlled, managed and oversaw the Serpo project was called ____ ____.

Many have died, but we still have a few around. We are asking their approval for release. Next, we must obtain current official sanction. This may be a little more difficult. Current DIA officials have very little knowledge of this subject matter. However, we will move ahead with our plans. Our main supporter is _____ ______ ______ , a former director of __________. He is in our corner and will support our gradual release plan.

The proposal by one of your readers [Bill Hamilton] regarding the Web site is a great idea. With the cooperation of several "co-authors," we might create a Web site and post some information on that site. Until then, I will continue to provide the official information only through you.

Regarding the Web site. I know we have some hurdles to overcome. Maybe that would/wouldn't be a good first step. But we have several different options. If Plan A doesn't work, maybe Plan B might. We have discussed everything from an international press conference to a National Press Club news conference.

We are also considering your suggestion of releasing 100 key pages (out of the 3,000) to you and then your forwarding them around the country to the six key individuals you named in your e-mail: Dr ____ ____ , Dr ____ ____ , ____ ____ , ____ ____ , ____ ____ and ____ ____.

Of these individuals, I agree with you that it would be of manifest importance to have someone like Dr ____ ____ , who has the stature and prominence in the scientific community, come on board and "in the loop" to not only give credibility to the programmed release, but also to assist in explaining the complex scientific/physics theories and principles to the layperson.

We'll let you know.

I will provide some answers to the many questions once I find them. Remember, I have over 3,000 pages of to view and another two sizeable volumes of other supplementary data.

I've studied the documents and debriefing data. I cannot find answers to everyone's questions, but I did find some answers especially to those posed by UFO thread list member, Bill Ryan.

1) I find some of the questions [from various list members] to be very disturbing. I expected thoughfulness in the responses, rather than criticism. The information I am providing is coming directly from official documents. But I guess it's difficult for our Earth-based scientists to understand something foreign to them.

The criticism being displayed by your list of scientists doesn't bother me. I'm just stating what the official documents say. As for the scientific calculations, our Earth-based scientists had the same questions. Our home-based scientists questioned the collection methods of the team. But in the end, our home-based scientists figured out that our applied scientific principals did not always work on Planet Serpo. Once our scientists minds were open, the calculations were made to prove the team's data.

2) One of the principal home-based scientists (astronomer) contracted to assist us was Dr. Carl Edward Sagan. Initially, he was the biggest skeptic of the group. But as information was slowly analyzed, Dr. Sagan came back to the middle. I can't say he fully accepted every single piece of data, but he did agree on the final report.

3) Lively discussions brings out some very interesting questions. Some of which I cannot find answers to. Although our team spent over a decade (our time) on Serpo and nearby planets, they did not have a laptop computer to enter all data. They had two recorders, who were responsible for writing down the data. Our team acknowledged that a lot of data was lost or not documented.

[Bill Ryan's questions]

4) Regarding Time: The Team Members brought several time pieces, e.g., wrist watches, non-battery style, as it stated in the debriefing data. The time pieces worked, but they had no reference to time since the Eben days were longer, the dusk and dawn periods were longer and they had no calenders to reference.

They did use the time pieces to calculate movement, for example, timing the movement of the Eben two suns. They also calculated the time between work and rest periods. But, after awhile, the team discarded their time pieces and used the Eben's measurement of time periods. The team became confused with the calenders they brought - a 10-year calender.

After 24 months, the team lost track of time, as to the calender since they could not properly calculate days compared to Earth days. They set up one large clock to the earth time when they left. However, this was a battery-controlled clock and when the battery died, the clock stopped and they forgot to change the battery in time. Consequently, they lost the earth time. The team brought a large quantity of batteries, but they ran out after about five years. The Ebens had no comparable item like batteries.

5) They also took electric razors, coffee pots, electric heaters, a DIM (no explanation as to what this was), an electric IBM typewriter, a scientific calculator, slide rules (both conventional and scientific), Base Data Collection Recorder (BDCR), three different sized telescopes, tangents, both conventional and electrical.

The list goes on and on. But they took about everything they were allowed to take, as to weight. The Ebens did weigh the equipment taken by our team. The weight limit was 4.5 tons or 9,000 lbs. As for food, the team took C-Rations, military style. They carefully planned for 10 years.

6) Another question pertained to the team make up. Why were only two females taken?

If one considers the monumental problem associated with picking a team of 12 people, where each person must be totally erased from the military system - no family ties, no spouses and no children - one can see the difficulty that the selection group had. The selection group picked the best team members from a limited pool of military people.

The original selection group picked 158 people. The final 12 were selected from that number. If you consider the psychological, medical and other tests that had to be administered, the final 12 were the best qualified from the original number. Why they chose two females was never written. Apparently, those two females were the best qualified in their individual speciality: a doctor and a linguist.

7) How did the Ebens advance so quickly? Nothing was written about this. But Earth-based scientists surmised that since the Eben culture consisted of just one species, their advancement excelled and accelerated more rapidly than a civilization that consisted of different species, different languages, etc.

8) Why are there only 650,000 in the Eben civilization?

Again, the team never found the answer except that many hundreds of thousands of Ebens died in The Great War. Earth-based social behavior specialists surmised that the Eben civilization was structured to accommodate their own needs. Our team did find limited supplies of commodities on their planet. Large buildings were used to harvest food products.

The soil wasn't rich in a lot of minerals. Ebens used a form of organic agriculture to harvest food items. Maybe the Ebens were scared that if they over populated the planet, they couldn't provide for their citizens. This is only my idea, and not anything written in the official records.

9) As to the Eben culture: They had a form of musical entertainment. The music sounded like tonal rhythms. They also listened to a type of chanting. The Ebens were dancers. They celebrated certain work periods with a ritual dance. The Ebens would form a circle and dance around, listening to the chanting type of music. The music was played on bells and drums, or something similar to them.

There were no televisions, radio stations or anything like that. The Ebens played a game, something like soccer, but with a larger ball. The object was to kick the ball down a field into a goal. The game had very strange rules and played for long periods of time. They also had another game, mostly played by the children, that consisted of making formations with groups of Ebens. They seemed to really enjoy the game, but our team found little understanding of the game.

Athough the Eben civilization had no televisions, radios, etc., each Eben had a small device belted to their waists. This device gave orders to perform a particular task, news of pending events, etc. The device displayed a screen, similar to a television screen but in a 3-D style format. Our team brought back one of these devices. (I think today, we could compare it to a palm pilot.)

10) The Eben's energy device was analyzed over and over again by our team. Since our team did not have access to scientific microscopes or other measuring equipment, we could not understand the function of the energy device.

But, regardless of the electrical demand, the Eben energy device provided the proper current and wattage. Out team surmised the device had some sort of regulator that sensed the required current/wattage and then supplied that specific amount. (Note: Our Team Members brought back two energy devices for analysis.)

11) Serpo moved around one sun only. The other sun was within the two orbits. As I said before, there are hundreds of pages of calculations in the debriefing explaining all of this.

12) Why some Team Members remained!

The debriefing reported that the Team Members who remained, did so voluntarily. They fell in love with the culture of the Ebens and the planet. They were not ordered to return. Communication with the remaining crew members lasted until about 1988. No other communication was received from those Team Members. The two - who died on the Planet Serpo - were placed in coffins and buried. Their bodies were returned to Earth.

13) Each Team Member received a large dose or radiation during their stay on Serpo. Most of the Team Members died later of radiation-related illnesses.

14) The Ebens fought a battle with an enemy for a period of time. Our Team Members estimated the war lasted about 100 years, but, again, that is our time. The war was fought using particle beam weapons, developed by both civilizations. The Ebens eventually were able to destroy the enemy planet, killing the remaining enemy forces.

The Ebens did warn us that several other alien races within our galaxy were hostile. The Ebens stay away from those races. The debriefing document never stated the name of the enemy, probably because they no longer existed.

[FAST FACTS ON Dr CARL E SAGAN: (Victor Martinez)

Born in Brooklyn, NY on 11-9-'34 and died in Seattle, WA on 12-20-'96 of bone marrow cancer. He was an American astronomer, educator and planetary scientist and was the Director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University.

CONNECTING THE DOTS: "Project SERPO's" final report was written in 1980 with Dr Sagan having been brought in half way through the project. It is believed that he wrote his 1985 bestseller, CONTACT, based on his insider knowledge of the most secret project in human history: a human-alien exchange program of which he signed off on its final report!

Years later, his book was made into the 1997 movie CONTACT starring Jodie Foster.]


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