Subject: MJ-12: Majority vs Majestic ... WHICH one is CORRECT?
Date: Fri, Nov 2, 2007, 4:47 p.m.
I realize there have been some questions about the differences in Majority-12 Group and Majestic-12. Here is the historical explanation:
President Truman created the Majority-12 Group (MJ-12). Sometime later, several different intelligence agencies somehow made an administrative ERROR when referring to the group in a classified report. In that report, the group's name was referred to as the Majestic-12 Group. No one bothered to change the name in that document because of the extreme compartmentalization.
So, over the years the group's name -- at least up until 1965 -- was shown as TWO (2) different groups: Majority-12 Group and Majestic-12 Group. The name was changed in 1966 and then again later. There were NOT two (2) groups, just one. The ORIGINAL name was Majority-12 Group, just as the presidential briefing document stated.
The assertion by some members of the conspiracy fraternity on the forum (Open Minds Forum) that the use of the name "Majority-12" was a suggestion or hint of some type of "false flag" operation was underway is just WRONG. This is the explanation I've offered; these are the FACTS.
Onto the next question, which has been posed to me about President Carter being briefed. President Carter was NEVER FORMALLY briefed, at least [not] by our people [DIA]. INTELLIGENCE OFFICIAL briefed President Carter on information INTELLIGENCE OFFICIAL already had, but was NOT on the official briefing (normally given to sitting presidents), which was authorized by an Executive Order during Truman's days. The briefing was prepared, but never given. Why? We don't know. Carter never asked for it and we never gave it to him.
President Bush (#1) already knew the story since he was Director of the CIA in 1975-76. I don't know about President Clinton nor Bush #2.
I hope that answers your question, which two of our group members relayed to me after perusing the thousands of posts on the forum which hosts the Web site (the Open Minds Forum).
My answers should clear up these issues. On a side note, if you wish to pen a brief history of both the DIA and ONI [Office of Naval Intelligence] you may do so, though I am not asking you to do this. However, it might be very instructive, educational and eye-opening for your huge readership as well as the thousands of forum members who might take the time to read it.
I would think the Reagan biography would have worn you out! Please bear in mind that while ONI [Office of Naval Intelligence] might be the lead agency in IAC crash/retrievals [Identified Alien Craft] and the subsequent reverse engineering of those recovered craft, ONI is overseen by the DIA and also reports to the president through his national security adviser. ALL of their reports, conclusions and analysis are filtered through us.
More to come....
The DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY is usually headed by a vice admiral or a lieutenant general appointed by the Secretary of Defense. The directors have been:
Oct 1961-Sept 1969: Lt Gen Joseph F Caroll, USAF
Sept 1969-Aug 1972: Lt Gen Donald V Bennett, USA
Aug 1972-Sept 1974: Vice Adm Vincent P de Poix, USN
Sept 1974-Dec 1975: Lt Gen Daniel O Graham, USA
Jan 1976-May 1976: Lt Gen Eugene F Tighe, Jr, USAF
May 1976-Aug 1977: Lt Gen Samuel V Wilson, USA
Sept 1977-Aug 1981: Lt Gen Eugene F Tighe, USAF
Sept 1981-Sept 1985: Lt Gen James A Williams, USA
Oct 1985-Dec 1988: Lt Gen Leonard H Perroots, USAF
Dec 1988-Sept 1991: Lt Gen Harry E Soyster, USA
Sept 1991-Nov 1991: Dennis M Nagy (civilian, acting)
Nov 1991-Aug 1995: Lt Gen James R Clapper, Jr, USAF
Aug 1995-Feb 1996: Lt Gen Kenneth A Minihan, USAF
Feb 1996-July 1999: Lt Gen Patrick M Hughes, USA
July 1999-July 2002: Vice Adm Thomas R Wilson, USN
July 2002-Nov 2005: Vice Adm Lowell E Jacoby, USN
Nov 2005 - present: Lt Gen Michael D Maples, USA, 16th DIA Director
The DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY is organized into six (6) directorates and the Joint Military Intelligence College (formerly the Defense Intelligence College). The directorates are:
° Administration
° Analysis
° Human Intelligence [HUMINT]
° Information Management and Chief Information Center
° Intelligence Joint Staff
° Measurement and Signature Intelligence
[MASINT] and Technical Collection
The DIA headquarters is in the Pentagon. The DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS CENTER is an extension of that headquarters which is at Bolling Air Force Base in southwest Washington, DC, as is the Joint Military Intelligence College.
[Bolling AFB is where all of the "Project SERPO" files are located which include thousands of photographs of the Eben civilization in several large photo album books, animal, plant and soil samples, audio recordings of the Eben music, and photos of other alien species that visited/were cloned on SERPO.]
A few DIA employees are based at the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center in Maryland, and at the Missile and Space Intelligence Center in Alabama. The DIA's military attaches are also assigned to U.S. embassies around the world and as liaison officers to each unified military command. The DIA's Russian counterpart, or parallel, organization is the Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye or GRU [Main (Chief) Intelligence Administration].
The creation of a unified Dept of Defense [DOD] in 1947-49 was not accompanied by the unification of defense activities. Each of the military services maintained its one intelligence organization; indeed, maintaining these distinct capabilities had been a major demand of the military during deliberations over the creation of the CIA. But there were also a number of intelligence requirements that were either interservice or department wide. Thus, an additional intelligence organization had to be designed and developed to meet these broader, growing needs for the future.
The U.S. Dept of Defense established the DIA on Sunday, October 1, 1961, to coordinate the intelligence activities of the military services. The DIA serves as the intelligence agency for the Joint Chiefs of Staff [JCS] as well as for the Secretary of Defense and the U.S. unified or theater military commanders.
As a senior military intelligence component of the U.S. intelligence community, the DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY is a combat-support arm providing all-source intelligence to the American armed forces, defense policy makers, and other members of the U.S. intelligence community. Under the Defense Reorganization Act of 1958, several unified military commands were created, but as long as each individual service had its own intelligence organization, the unified commands would not be receiving unified intelligence. The services had set up barriers that prevented the free exchange of intelligence data.
Complaints about vastly different estimates and bureaucratic infighting inspired the creation of the DIA under the KENNEDY administration, although the specific efforts by the Dept of Defense "to put its house in order" with respect to intelligence dates back to 1959. In his first State of the Union message, President Kennedy said: "The capacity to act decisively at the exact time action is needed has too often been muffled [creating] a growing gap between decision and execution, between planning and reality."
The brainchild of President JOHN F KENNEDY and his Secretary of Defense ROBERT S McNAMARA, the DIA was established in 1961 as a military intelligence authority that would provide independent information while circumventing the "turf" problems arising from interservice rivalries. [See end of this section.]
The Secretary of Defense ROBERT S McNAMARA created the DIA, giving to it as a prime mission the coordinating of intelligence estimates, which previously had been individually produced by the individual services. The DIA is a member of the intelligence community and as such in theory comes under the nominal responsibilities of the Director of Central Intelligence [DCI] as well as the Secretary of Defense. Further, as originally set up, the DIA director assumed the functions of the J-2 (intelligence) within the JCS; the DIA still provides support for the J-2.
The classified "Plan for the Activation of the Defense Intelligence Agency (1961) called for a maximum of 250 personnel -- military and civilian -- at DIA headquarters.
The military services retained their intelligence agencies -- Air Force intelligence, Army intelligence, Naval intelligence -- and responsibilities for intelligence training, developing doctrine for combat intelligence, internal security, and counterintelligence within their respective services. Other duties retained by the services, but available to the DIA for its mission, included the collection of technical intelligence and intelligence support for JCS studies.
The DIA has frequently struggled -- through reorganizations and Pentagon lobbying -- to increase its importance within the intelligence community. But in fulfilling its charter to collect military and military-related intelligence, the DIA must rely upon the National Reconnaissance Office [NRO] for military information obtained by satellites and strategic reconaissance aircraft; the National Security Agency [NSA] for the making and breaking of codes; and the CIA for military intelligence gained from foreign intelligence agencies.
If, for example, the CIA "turns" a Russian GRU officer, the DIA must depend on the CIA to obtain the GRU officer's information.
By 1975, the DIA had more than 4,600 employees and an annual budget estimated at more than $200 million. However, the DIA had been among the intelligence agencies most severely hit by the end of the Cold War, which led to a 25% reduction in its personnel.
In 1986, former DCI Admiral STANSFIELD TURNER wrote in 1986: "Because the DIA is self-conscious about living within the shadow of the more capable CIA, it often takes contrary positions just to assert its independence.... More often than not, when the DIA does produce a differing view, it cannot -- or will not -- support it." Turner, like many other CIA officials down the years, also criticized the DIA for being unable to dominate with the competing military services.
There were great changes in intelligence network and routing systems to battlefield and at-sea commanders. In February 1991, the DIA began producing a closed-circuit telecast to about 1,000 defense intelligence and operations officers in the Pentagon and at 19 military commands in the United States.
"The Defense Intelligence Network Show" is encrypted so that it can be watched ONLY by authorized monitors. Ingredients for the telecasts include aerial and satellite reconnaissance images and audio reports from the NSA. "We've got to do to intelligence what CNN has done to news," a Pentagon official told The WASHINGTON POST.
The DIA has also provided intelligence to United Nations peacekeeping forces and to U.S. responses to terrorist actions. The DIA also aids law enforcement agencies involved in anti-drug operations. There has been a marked improvement in performance as the military establishment has changed its attitude toward intelligence, which had been seen as a dead end for non-specialist officer career paths.
Although the DIA was conceived as a military agency, by the mid-1980s, about 60% of the DIA staff were civilians. The DIA has sometimes found itself torn between its military customers (the JCS and their organization) and the civilian customers of the DOD. The Joint Chiefs may seek analysis to support specific or preferred positions; the civilians may prove skeptical of military-produced analysis, which often tends toward more pessimistic assumptions about conflict and combat.
A possible renaissance for the DIA came in 1995 with the appointment of JOHN M DEUTCH, former Deputy Secretary of Defense, as DCI. During his time in the Pentagon, Deutch had taken a close interest in the DIA and had created within it the Defense HUMINT Service [DHS], which is authorized to run agents and proprietary companies overseas.
After the capture of Saddam Hussein in December 2003, the CIA was chosen to lead his interrogation. But, specialists in the DIA, who had operated extensively in Iraq, were also part of the interrogation team. DIA analysts were also involved in the hunt for weapons of mass destruction.
The so-called "sibling" rivalry is just that: It is a CIA term used to refer to officers employed by the sometimes rival DIA. The UNofficial rivalry between the two (2) agencies began when the DIA was established in 1961. From the beginning, some CIA officials felt that the DIA was encroaching on Agency territory. It was believed that the DIA was too involved with CIA-controlled spy satellite operations.
The rivalry also stemmed from fiscal concerns, wherein both agencies found themselves competing for budget dollars. However by virtue of the coordinating and oversight authority of the DCI, the CIA is senior to the DIA within the U.S. intelligence community. Today, the DIA very effectively reduces the role of the individual armed services in the realm of strategic intelligence.
Naval intelligence is an arm of the U.S. Navy responsible for collecting, controlling, exploiting and defending information pertaining to Naval sea and air operations while denying any potential adversary the ability to do the same.
Like its Army, Air Force and Marine Corps counterparts, the Naval Intelligence Service and ONI is overseen by the DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY [DIA].
The ONI was the first agency in American history established to collect information on the military affairs of foreign governments. It was created along with the Military Intelligence Division [MID] as the first peacetime military intelligence bureaus. It was founded on Thursday, March 23, 1882, "to collect and record such naval information as may be useful to the [Navy] Department in wartime as well as peace."
The first Chief intelligence officer, Lt Theodorus B M Mason, held the post from June 1882 - April 1885. The position was changed to Director of Naval Intelligence in 1911.
By the time the United States entered WWI in April 1917, ONI had become responsible for the protection of naval ships and installations against espionage, sabotage and subversion. Until the 1920s, the ONI was also responsible for Navy information and historical activities. The two (2) latter functions subsequently became independent Navy offices.
Late in WWII, ONI also became responsible for operational intelligence, a function previously assigned to the operating fleets. Naval intelligence was considered a staff function within the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations until late 1992. It originally had the organization code OP-16 (OP for Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, 16 indicating Naval intelligence).
This was later changed to OP-92. In the major Navy headquarters reorganization of 1992, ONI became N-2, a major staff office, bringing it more closely into alignment with the position of the intelligence organizations of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, unified commands, and the other military services.
The U.S. Navy command that provides support to the Office of Naval Intelligence is the NIC. The Naval Intelligence Command was established on Saturday, July 1, 1967, as part of a general Navy reorganization to reduce the number of Navy headquarters personnel and to establish unified direction and oversight for the increasing number of subcommands already subordinate to ONI.
The commander of NIC is usually a rear admiral who is "double-hatted" as a deputy Director of Naval Intelligence. When originally established, NIC was located in an office building in suburban Alexandria, VA. In 1979, it was transferred to the Federal Center in Suitland, MD, which is also a suburb of Washington, DC. In late 1993, it was moved into the new National Maritime Intelligence Center.
The NMIC is a massive headquarters for the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard intelligence activities located in Suitland, MD, a suburb of Washington, DC. Dedicated on Wednesday, October 20, 1993, the center was designed during the Cold War to consolidate a number of Naval intelligence activities scattered around the Washington, DC area. The building, with 660,000 square feet of floor space, is located on the large Suitland Federal Center site.
Designed for some 2,000 technical and support personnel, it is inundated with computers and secure meeting spaces, has a 350-seat auditorium as well as high-tech conference rooms, photographic interpretation equipment, and other facilities.
The U.S. term, SCIF is for a facility -- a room or larger working space -- that is specially constructed for handling TOP SECRET and SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION. The room's walls, floor and ceiling have special materials to prevent "bugs" from being placed on adjacent structures to monitor conversations or equipment in the room. Special telephone and power lines defeat wiretaps. An SCIF has NO windows and is equipped with other special security features.
- Written, researched and compiled by Victor Martinez -
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - By W Thomas Smith, Jr, ISBN# 0816046670, $19.95, 282 pp., pp. 71-72, 165-66, 177, 207
SPY BOOK: The ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ESPIONAGE, 2nd ed - By Polmar and Allen, ISBN# 0375720251, $21.95, 719 pp., pp. 177-7, 444, 448-49, 469, 595
The OXFORD GUIDE: AMERICAN MILITARY HISTORY - Edited by John Whiteclay Chambers III, ISBN# 9780195340921, $9.99, 916 pp., pp. 191, 207