I woke up in a desert area with someone I know, a girl I think is my astral guide. She pointed to something, to a city. Nearby there was a city and on the opposite side something that seemed to be a military base (I felt like it was an American base). A helicopter flew over the city and some people came down into the city. Then there were explosions in the city and the helicopter flew to the military base so close to the ground that I could see that it was actually a black-armed combat helicopter and a man stood on it. The helicopter had side missiles in the form of fake wings and two propellers in the upper part. I would like to know more about the army so I can better explain what I have seen. I don’t remember seeing Guide after that.
The man jumped down on the ground and I thought he was my dad, maybe because I am so uncomfortable with him and he stressed me so bad these days (Yeah, I can remember how disgusted and sick I was with him). The man had a black bulletproof vest, all his clothes were black and thick. He wore a black mask on his face, his hair was white with gray. He seemed to be an old man. This man seemed surprised to see me but still smiled. Then more soldiers came to lead him to the base. At that time I managed to sneak past them and go into the base, I hid in the first room I saw. The base had solid steel walls and no windows. Fortunately, there were only clothes and supplies in the room I was, so I stayed there for a while having no idea what to do. I didn’t even know why I got there.

The guide was gone for a long time, I didn’t know where she was, she just used to get me into such situations and then disappear. At one point, someone approached the door and I quickly hid under a table, I crouched there being so scared like my parents were about to have a new fight. (what a bad trauma, I also used to hide under tables where tall Grey couldn’t reach me). I thought I was in danger. I realized that I could wake up immediately, but it was better that I chose to see what was going to happen next. The door opened and an old man looked around and saw me. I was extremely scared and I crouched louder. But the man started to talk to me in a normal and quiet way as if he already knew me.
-Do you have a message from them (not really sure what he meant, maybe he meant the aliens)? -he
-No, I'm here to talk with the Greys. -me, getting out of the table.
-Don't do this, they're dangerous. -the man, looking in his back to see if anyone was coming.
-Please, I can talk to them, let me try. –me
-They'll not listen to you. -he
-Please, please! -me, squeezing his arm a little too strong
-Oh, come with me. -he told me and then, we walked along a hallway: we walked straight ahead-left-the left door.
There was an old-fashioned white computer in the room. The man closed the door, sat in the chair, and showed me a video of an alien dressed in a straitjacket. This alien looked unusual, it has short, like a Zeta Reticuli, but his skin was brown. The eyes were covered with dark lenses and the head was small or “normal” compared to his body. I couldn’t see more as the video was a little blurry and the room was dark. A soldier with a blue or gray camouflage uniform held him tightly and pulled him onto a chair. The video was silent and the quality was poor. The alien didn’t react much to what happened. I saw this type of alien in a video on Youtube, but the first thought of that video was that it was a hoax like most of the photos and videos on the internet.

While watching the video somebody from outside shouted: -Hey, Lewis (or Klewis, but rather Lewis), come to see what I've found. –the man seemed in a good mood
I was scared, military people were terrible to me. But this man whose name apparently was Lewis replied calmly:
-Wait a minute.
Lewis was an old man, with white messy hair and aged skin, but he keeps a smile on his face. Lewis had a friendly face and his voice was also friendly and nice. He wore a white lab coat over a thick black coat. His nose was prominent, and his face was oval with a pretty square chin. I think he was around 50-60 years old or more.
Lewis shut down the computer, then took me out of the building through another door, a “back door”. Then, shortly after, I woke up and my boyfriend asked me if I dreamed something because I was “mumbling in my sleep”. It is true that when I dream in the early hours of the morning, I use to mumble. It happened many times, I know it because I used to record with my phone. The guide was there and she’s there only when I ask myself questions before or when I have to know something in astral.