I read that every single person who met these children said: “They're demons, they have no soul and bring the only destruction, They are possessed or They are evil alien hybrids”.
One more thing to mention, I had this astral experience before knowing about the stories written online about these children.

I had only one experience with a girl with black eyes and a blond hybrid girl and they didn't seem weren't like others say at all, but just scared. (now there are two, only two, I need more although it’s a little dangerous)
A year and a half ago I woke up in the astral world. I went into my parent’s room and saw two girls and a woman. I went to the little girl who was sitting on the bed (she was around 10, but was older mentally). She was sitting on the bed, looking down. I went to her and bent down on my knees, then lifted her head; she had large and completely black eyes. Her skin was pale, and she had a small mouth and nose. She wore a black dress and her hair was also black. I asked her “Who are you?” and she replied, “I’m scared, I don’t feel good, help me.”
Then I looked at the other girl. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, her face was V-shaped and also pale. She was around 14 years and was sitting next to the sinister woman with black eyes (black pupils) and black hair. This woman appeared to have no life in her, but somehow she seemed mad. The blonde girl whispered to me: “This woman is not what she seems. She got four fingers on her left hand” and I saw a mental image with the hand. She actually tried to tell me that the woman was a Grey alien they are afraid of.
When the woman heard her, she began to push and hit her. At that moment I got so angry. After a while, the three left the house, and outside, I took a piece of wood and hit the woman right in the head in the head although she was pretty tall. She fell to the ground and disappeared into light or something. I told the girls that it was over and that she will never hurt them again.
I'm not sure how but I think the girl with black eyes teleported to another area of the village and I ran to find her. (yeah, the last part is blurred, sometimes it is so hard to figure out what is going on astral.) I saw her close to a store I know and told her not to leave, but she disappeared, not sure how. Then I woke up. (There is still something weird about the way they appear and disappear)
In conclusion, these hybrids are not so bad, but just are bound and beaten to hurt and I know that they yearn for affection and need help. I saw at them that other people refused to see. I saw that on the slightest occasion they showed their suffering and they asked for help even with the price of a beat. Please do not hurt them. They do everything from obligation and manipulation.
(Not so bad, they’re sweet. With those chubby faces and soft hair and those scared eyes. I find it hard no to get close to them, I don’t like that I see them only along with dangerous Reptilians or Greys or within satanic rituals. Until now, I met one girl and two boys, both young. The story with the boys isn’t posted yet, it’s a very short one. Well, I didn’t meet them in our plan, so I don’t know why others feel so scared of them.
I’m rather scared of those small black or white things I see in my dreams, they’re like white cats with red eyes or small black creatures that try to get into my house and they scare me to death. There is a kind of scary energy they radiate. I don’t know what they are, they are like demons because I’ve met such small alien creatures before and didn’t feel scared about them.
Actually, there are some ones that I don’t quite remember how they looked, they were unusual, but I found them so cute. I saw them once or twice, hmm… and I should write this before I forget it. Because the last time I saw them there was a laboratory and I could swear I saw an Akart.)