I'm writing about this in 2022, but I'm sure it happened before 2017. I realized that once I started to get depressed I missed noting down a few experiences and dreams. I hope my memory didn't give up on me already.
Let's see, this was a very short one. I found myself in a small room listening to a discussion between a few people whose faces I couldn't remember but I was pretty sure they were humans. They were talking between themselves and I had no idea what I was doing there, but I usually feel like I knew what I was doing there at some point. At some point, one or two of the men left the room and that was when a man with quite a slender and harmless figure (yes that's how he seemed to me) tried to tell me about a place I should go to. He even tried to draw some indications and reference points on a blackboard or whiteboard. It seemed that he was trying to tell me about an underground base that was hidden under a regular military base or something like that.
He even repeated what he said because I was confused about his indications, he really wanted me to memorize that and go to that place. Unfortunately, he had to stop from explaining because one of the men who left returned to the room and he was looking at the guy he looked at the guy in the room with some suspicion since there were traces of a drawing on the board.
It seems that after I had that dream I even drew what I remembered from that board, but it was very little information. I couldn't remember any address or even a country name.
After I found my old "map" I thought it would be interesting to write the story so I can remember it for later.
Note: the man who was giving me indications mentioned that I was supposed to get in that underground room (with the X on it), I don't remember if he said why. I also don't remember what's with that UFO in the drawing, I just respected what I drew back then.
