Now, after just a week, I received another message from a person with a similar problem. His name is Mohammad Aslam Musakhail of Quetta, Pakistan, he is interested in the black matter and loves astronomy he would like to study deeply. (I received his permission to publicize his identity).
This man says that two weeks ago he felt something strange was going on during the night. Then after several nights, he woke up with some signs on his right hand looking like some liquid dots positioned in a kind of symmetry and only in a small area of his arm (of course that he could fake them, you just need some artistic skills and bam).

Then he told me that he was very interested in astronomy but did not believe in aliens so far. He also talked about how once he projected himself into the astral plane and woke up in cosmic space. It was surrounded by dark matter that was like a black liquid and that pushed him in direct opposition to his movement. It's related to the law of hydrostatics. Thus, this man's conclusion is that there is no vacuum in space, but dark matter. This may explain why and how satellite cameras seem to have recorded sounds from space, or sounds produced by planets.
Obviously, it is easy for many people to contradict these things, applying the old and well-known physical laws. Vid means empty space, where there is nothing, but taking into account that microscopic particles exist everywhere, a vacuum can be defined as "a space in which all existing material particles are extremely rare". If could capture through satellite sound waves from space, it means that they traveled by vacuum through the rarefied particles.
Mohammad's theory is explained in the above-mentioned video (I lost the video), in which he explains that dark matter is present everywhere, but the dark matter present near Earth's surface is blocked by a layer and it's separated from “outer” matter. The “inner” dark matter pressurizes the layer from all sides, as a result, the inner dark matter gets pressurized and compressed thus, keeping us on Earth's surface. (Which sounds like bullshit to me and it’s a warning sign that I should not trust everything, not even myself sometimes)
(This man created a video to explain his theory, but since I deleted my old blogs I lost it.)