There is an infinity of versions of the future because time is an illusion and somehow existence seems to be infinite.
(Ok, I had to rewrite this, but it’s still way too weird and complicated when I read it.)
Some conspirationists say that in the future Terra will be enslaved by aliens. In fact, this seems to be already happening, but in the future, it may be worse, so this hypothesis may be possible. Smart beings don’t waste their energy and resources in visible wars. The cults are convinced that in the distant future the only Creator or God (or Jesus) will return to save us and lead us to 'The Kingdom of Heaven. Other people think the human race will self-destruct, and others think it will evolve for the better and the future will be brilliant and ultra-technological. ETC.
About a week ago when I was sleeping I woke up on a metal bed or something like that. One woman was looking at me. She was pretty plump. The blond-haired woman had blue or brown eyes, I'm not sure, and her hair was curly. She let me leave the room without saying anything. The building was metallic and the walls were white. When I walked out into a hallway I met two women and I got scared when I realized they seemed to be two of my friends, Cela, and one more girl. They seemed to be around 30-35 years old and so I was too. I wasn’t sure what to believe about that. I asked them what was going on, but I can’t remember what they said. I think they said they would explain.
We went outside the building. The landscape looked strange. There were no trees, only grass, and the surrounding buildings looked bizarre, something like huge white mushrooms. While I was captivated by the landscape I heard one of the women telling the other one: “Take her to the golden sphere”. One of them led me to a crater, and there was a small yellow sphere floating above the crater. It looked like it was made out of energy. There was also a light that descended from the clouds into the crater. As I was staring on the edge the woman tried to push me down there. I managed to keep myself away and she fell into it. I have seen the woman floating up in the light and disappearing at some point. And then I saw something metallic among the clouds, a UFO. No idea why I did it, but I jumped a little unfaithful into the light. Immediately I felt how the light lifted me up and it was a strange sensation, like butterflies in my stomach. Then, when I reached the level where the yellow sphere was, I lost my consciousness. When I woke up, I was aboard a small alien ship. I was on a strange white chair and there was someone next to me. My mind kept being blurry for some time. When I regained my senses I figured out what was sitting next to me. It was an alien I met a very long time ago before I got to know more about aliens. The difference was that now he was so nice to me, he even told me that I can stay some more time on the ship if I don’t want to go home yet. His attitude was unusual since the first time I met him he was a little bit arrogant and wouldn’t tell me anything about his technology. The way his voice sounded in my head made me remember the voice that told me “I’ll come for you” in other of my dreams. It seemed to me to be the same alien who landed the ship right before I woke up.
This alien looked unusual although I felt like he was a regular Grey Let’s call him Spaceship pilot Grey. He was a bit taller than me, this means he was about 1.65m. He had dark lenses over his eyes, black hair that reached his shoulders, a small mouth, a fairly prominent nose, and pale skin. I am pretty sure he had five fingers. His voice was also like the voice of a Grey, I couldn’t feel much feeling from it, but it was somehow “soft”. I often use feel like this when I hear/feel a Grey or Grey-hybrid talking. It’s a calm and moderate voice. Eben had such a voice sometimes when he was happy or calm, but he used to get louder and blunt when he was in a bad mood. Yet, this alien was a regular Grey using MSE not to scare me. I noticed how he shapeshifted later and gave me the advice to stay away from Reptilians and Greys because they would try to “burn us”. I don’t understand why he said that, but I am sure he used the words burn and fire. And I guess he showed me a mental image of a ground vehicle passing by us and throwing flames toward us while he was pulling me behind him not to get burned. This is exactly what I saw while he was saying those words.
Back to the topic. We were sitting on chairs and there was a large screen in front of us. At one point, I could see Geronimo and Senkulpa waving at us from the ground while they were walking with a few more beings, maybe hybrids, maybe humans, I can’t remember. I even exclaimed about them. And I could hear Geronimo say “Mary is here and she seems to be fine” or “Mary is there and she is fine” to which Senkulpa replied, “If there’s a good alien on the spaceship”. I’ve never heard Senkulpa talking before. His voice is something interesting. It almost sounded soulless. Some Greys generally talk less and Senkulpa is “the man of few words”, but he’s a hard worker. It still seemed that Senkulpa wore that black small jacket. Maybe it was just MSE. Haha, I still like it, it makes him look cute.
After that, I guess we went to other parts of the ship. I saw two alien hybrids (a blonde boy and a brunette tall girl) who were operating some kind of machine. They saw us and waved then laughed and started talking. At that point, they were stopped by a woman with reddish-orange hair and blue eyes who told them to go back to work. They stopped laughing and even smiling and did so.
Later, things became confusing and I don’t think I was on that spaceship anymore.
No matter what I saw so much in one night, I was thinking about Eben. Every time I look for him I find myself in a version of the future and it is scary, the futures I see are far away from now and they are scary. Sometimes I see a lot of Greys and hybrids in the future, in some parts of the planet they get along with humans pretty well. There are also some arrogant ones and I have something in my mind about this but I’ll say it later. I also saw a lot of Reptilians who were looking over their working humans. Those humans don’t look like slaves, nothing like the old and modern human slavery where you are put in chains and badly fed and treated just because you are inferior. Reptilians treat humans like some important pets who do their part in the ecosystem. Yeah, I guess some Reptilians still kill humans for food or bad acting but don’t we do so?
The future is scary because there are so many things we don’t expect to be. Nothing like technology everywhere for everyone because it’s a waste of resources. It’s not perfect, but it’s something. While I was staring at the working humans I started talking about how surprised I was that the Reptilians took over Earth. A lizard being who was around me found this amusing and told me that Earth never belonged to humans because “we were here long before you humans”.
I think there will still be cities, but fewer trees. I saw many green fields or sandy lands around the places where Greys live and many plant crops where Reptilians live. It’s just an observation.
During the time I was checking this weird future where Reptilians and Greys rule, Eben thought it was the perfect moment to show me one more gender difference in Ebens. The chest muscles. It wasn’t the best moment for a telepathic contact, but I guess he did it by chance.
(I finally understand why Eben would show me random things in unexpected moments. He doesn’t live on Earth anymore, so every time he gets some free time and the ability to contact me while I am sleeping he simply does it. When we were young, we were talking about gender differences, but because he was a child and probably the only Eben in that base, he didn’t know much. Later, when he got his mate, he finally got the answers we were looking for and didn’t mind sharing the information with me. Either this or I’m crazy)