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A world where reptilians rule over humans "we own you" (8 august 2016)

Pfew, I finally drew the new thing I found about Ebens. When traveling in astral I like to research them. I even ask other species if they know about Ebens, which the military doesn’t really like, but I don’t care. There’s something about this species that makes my energy burn since the day I read about them on the Internet I knew there’s something special. I use to research hybrids and Grey aliens more than other species. Well, Ebens aren’t Greys. They’re different, their body is different, and their mind is like the human mind….sometimes. I am used to get obsessed with things and people, so I’m not mad that I got this weird obsession.

In these last nights, I practiced astral traveling after a long time and wow, it was so easy. I even was lucid without forcing myself, I knew I was dreaming and I had control over my astral body. Usually, I have a purpose that leads me in astral, but this time I just wanted to let my unconscious lead me on random frequencies. And guess what, I found myself in parallel worlds and possible versions of the future. That’s much to explain; maybe I got some idea about how this works even if there’s always something more to know, but that I can’t get to know. I’ll talk about this later because this stuff about life and death, Microverse and Macroverse, vacuum, and existence, it’s something really tangled and hard to be processed by the human mind. I think even smarter beings don’t think about this all the time, they may get tangled at one point in explaining existence too. That’s why I don’t waste my time asking, trust me, I tried it and if I really obtained some information I can’t remember anything because my brain can’t get certain things that can’t be explained in human languages, or in any kind of words.

Back to my astral experiences, on one of the nights, I found myself on Earth and it was a beautiful and sunny day. I still felt weird because I was dressed weirdly. I was wearing a white tunic like Romans used to wear. Well, here the story wasn’t about Romans, but about slaves. Guess what, as in other many dimensions Reptilians took over the planet and enslaved the humans. This was anyway a more pleasing version of Reptilian domination. I lived in a Universe (or dimension or frequency of existence, I don’t know how to call it for sure) where Reptilians and Greys made real chaos on Earth, we were nothing more than their animals, ready to be killed at any moment. And yes, I was killed, better than living there with fear. In this Universe, I traveled this time things were different. Reptilians were keeping Earth clean and healthy. Humans were workers and pets, most of the time well treated and most of the time supervised. They had to work the land and bring wood without our usual machines, using just our hands and simple tools. I walked around being confused about why I was doing there and I was really surprised to see a lot of planted crops. When I am around Reptilians I am used to seeing guns and meat, a lot of meat. In this world, Reptilians used plants, maybe not for foo,d but for other things for sure.

Reptilians changed the living way of everybody; both species were living in huts-like buildings, with no bed or TV, nor pillows or furniture. Believe it or not, many advanced beings keep this lifestyle, including Ebens, they lived like this and they still space travel.

I meet a small, orange Reptilian and then realized that there were different types of Reptilians, not just one species. Some were big, strong, and green or brown, while others were smaller and of different colors. This Reptilian I meet was more like a lizard and talked to me. He walked around me on all four legs seeming very pleased and amused by my confusion, and then he said: “What did you expect? We (Reptilians and Lizards) were here long before you. We own you”. And he said it like it was a funny game, I even think that he was even smaller than me, but this didn’t scare him at all. He was confident and relaxed.

Then I am not sure what happened, I don’t know if I existed in that dimension too, or I simply traveled there and materialized using my astral body. Events are one of my priorities in astral, even if I don’t think of them before going to sleep. So I have a memory of two Eben bodies, actually of their muscular system. I was focused on their chest muscles. On the outside male and female Ebens look almost identical to humans. Well, there are many differences. Males have more rigid or more compact pectorals while females seem to have rather smooth and larger muscles on their chest. That may be due to hormones since there are two genders like in most humans. After this, I woke up, and I couldn’t remember anything else about their muscular system.

Well, that’s all. I want to learn and travel more on astral even though this means I have to write a lot, I’m better at writing than spelling in English so making videos may be a bit difficult.


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