This is one of my most stupid and most crazy stories.
I woke up at 7 a.m., but fell asleep again, thinking about something interesting in the astral world. I found myself somewhere, in a dark and cold building. It felt like a was in a provincial fair or a town with an economic function. Many people seemed to visit and live in that place.

I went through a corridor until I got into a small, empty room. Then, I felt someone behind me, so I turned around. And what to see, I had in front of me the chest of a slender and tall being. I felt somehow excited so I screamed “You are an alien!”. This panicked him a little bit: “N-no..I'm a bear! See?” and he shapeshifted to look like a man dressed as a bear. But after a few minutes, he returned to his original form. I looked at his face and replied “I know you’re an alien” and I smiled. But he insisted that he is not an alien. Well, he wasn’t, he actually was a hybrid, maybe he even was made on Earth, and therefore he wasn’t an extraterrestrial. He still insisted so much about who he wasn’t, even if I could hear telepathically his calm and soft voice. It was clear how scared of humans he was. His eyes were large, he had green irises, no external ears and he was so shy. His skin was white and he actually wore no clothes. I guess he had four fingers and there was something weird about his head, maybe because he attempted to change his shape so many times, but I’m quite sure there were a few small hairs on the top of his head. The top of the head looked like there was a slightly prominent bump.
Note: I find it strange that this morning when I woke up I didn't know so many things and now I remember phrases coming out of nowhere.
Then a man with blonde hair dressed in a business suit entered the room. He had a handgun he aimed at the alien. It was a dream, and I knew it, but the man didn’t (hehe, astral traveling advantages). Knowing this, I stood in front of the alien and told the man that he isn’t dangerous. Anyway, the man didn’t change his mind, he was ready to shoot while the alien was still on my back with his hands stuck to my shoulders. The room had one entrance and some stairs going up. The alien ran upstairs as I remained to distract the man. He must have been very angry at me after that because when I left the room, he followed me, not the alien. I ran a lot and I hid in a small store, in the back of a fruit stand. I spend some time there until the man finally found me and he aimed his handgun at me. I got scared and closed my eyes and when I opened them, I literally opened them and woke up.
(He he I remember about all this, especially his voice, I think I met him one more time a few years later. For a long time, I called him Bear, but Hue sounds better, it fits him. So I’ll remember him every time I see Hue in the Trying Human webcomics. It was one of my weirdest dreams and over the years the astral dreams become weirder until they stopped. I thought for some time that maybe I am crazy. Other supposed abductees won’t talk to me, I won’t talk to them either -_- they are so dramatic about all the phenomena. I focused on the fun and interesting parts, it is a good way to deal with reptilians and Greys. If you’re stressed, they’ll feel it and will change their attitude)