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I lost track of Eben, and I guess this is the future??

(Passing over the part where I explain who Eben is)

It’s been three months since I haven’t seen Eben. Since then, I have tried almost every night to find him again, but I didn't manage. I looked for him in a lot of dimensions, I even asked people about him, but in vain. Three nights ago I was looking for him astral again and I found myself in two strange places. I was with Cela, but I don’t think it really was her. It was my astral Guide as usual. I wonder who Guide really is. (Oh my, the memory screen effect (MSE) is killing me. Just yesterday I realized that I have actually met Eben many times but the BMSE made me see him as somebody I know. It was a little weird that suddenly I dreamt of my bf so often. Note to me in case the BMSE activates again: Geronimo looks like an old man, Eben like my bf, Guide like Cela, and Grey alien abductors like random classmates or cartoon characters.)

At first, I found myself in a large building made out of glass, it was shaped like a huge sky-blue crystal. Next to it, there were other similar and smaller buildings. I looked through the window and saw a desert outside, a blue sky, and a quite large sun. Then I realized I was in a corridor. Someone approached us, it was about two people, probably military. Along with them, there was a tall being with long black hair. It had female energy and it looked like a Grey hybrid. Her irises were, also, black and her face was white, long, and V-shaped. That being had Asian features.

A group of kids passed near me. Some of the kids were younger or had the same age as me. Most of them had black hair and black irises. One of the boys started mocking me, saying he was better than me, and pushed me towards a window. I got angry and I pushed him back. That was the moment when a tall Grey surprised me and told me to leave the children alone. Then the woman yelled at me asking who I was and how I got there. I found her scary and told her that I didn’t know how I got there and that I was simply looking for somebody. One of the boys whispered that “she is not like us”. Military people escorted me outside. They didn’t speak English, but I think they tried to tell me something in Russian or Polish maybe.

After that, surprise, surprise, Cela was over there with me. There seems to be a dream part missing from my memory. I kept thinking about Eben, I kept thinking about the Serpo project I read about.

Then I remember I was in the desert along with Cela. We were near a swampy forest. The landscape looked bizarre, there were many small hills and mud everywhere. The trees had thick and deformed, black or brown trunks. The dark-green leaves of the trees formed a cramped crown and made them look like mushrooms. I wasn’t sure that we were still on Earth. The sky had a grey color and I didn't see any sun no longer. The atmosphere felt weird as if that air was heavier than the normal air. Some trees had reddish-pink leaves. In some areas, I saw some kind of small shrubs. We didn’t meet animals there. We walked through the woods until we noticed a kind of small village. The houses were quite small, and simple and they seemed built of wood. They had cubic shapes and were more like huts.

I was so focused on finding Eben that I thought I would meet other Ebens there, but obviously, that place didn't look like Serpo. Anyway, if Eben was on Earth, why did I look for him outside my planet? We approached the huts and some people noticed us and walked out of a pretty spacious hut. It looked like they were a family: two adults and 3 children (2 little girls and one teenage boy). They welcomed us with much joy and warmth, they even invited us to show us a part of their wood. Their look made me very curious. They all wore black clothes, they had black hair and black irises too. All females of the family wore dresses and the men the common suit: blouse or T-shirt and trousers. Their skin was white and pale. They had so many similar features, maybe because they were a family. Their living space was very simple, without a monetary system and things to provide them with fun and things we find satisfying. I mean they didn't have any money or sophisticated food or comfortable houses. They ensured their all needs from the environment. (Wow, this is how Ebens were supposed to live. I am very confused. These ones look just like the black modern children I use to meet in hybridization programs, but these are just nicer and friendly and the other ones are arrogant and hostile)

They took us in an amazing place, somewhere up a hill, and beyond the hill, everything looked changed. I saw a little bit of grass on the ground, and although the sky didn't have a very blue color, I saw the sun rising up. But the sun appeared smaller or farther from the planet than our Sun. So, the atmosphere was still cold. The children showed us a tree that looked like a blooming cherry, but it had a thicker and shorter trunk. They said they liked to play next to that tree. Oh, at that moment I wished so much to be able to take some photos with my phone, but I knew I was in the astral world and I got a little angry. That thing made the mother of the children concerned. She did not want me to feel bad because of them or in their presence.

Then I think I woke up because I do not remember what happened next. So.. I didn't manage to find Eben yet.


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