Some of my posts about alien species include a reading sheet that contains a resume of the post and information about how to deal with the species in question. If it is a possible hostile species or an abductor, then the sheet also includes methods to recognize and manage the situation, to wake up faster, or to counterattack.
Because I can't detail in every post how to recognize an abduction that sometimes just looks like a strange and fragmented dream, I created this article strictly on this topic. You will find a link to it, in some reading sheets, in the posts where I consider that it's necessary.

Let's begin.
If I were to start counting the alien abductions that I really remember as alien abductions now, I'd say there were about 3. That's because I happened to have to get used to the phenomenon when it started to get more serious so the abductors didn't sedate me directly. Once I suddenly woke up and saw an alien next to me doing something to my hand, and once the drug or whatever they used I received didn't work properly at first. But some time ago, after I got rid of depression and cleared my mind, I gathered all the memories and things I learned from the beings I met in the astral, plus other people's experiences, and I was able to count over 7 abductions. It isn't an impressive number, but compared to the first count, I missed 4, didn't I? I'll name and describe all of them plus other astral encounters and travel, so I don't forget about them completely. I'll add here a link when I'll be done
Warning: the next content contains information and facts that may be disturbing to some readers
Things you dream and may actually be part of an alien abduction
Dream of being in a hospital or white building, sometimes lying on a table. If you woke up in the morning with a brief memory of a dream that lasted only a few moments, during which you seemed to be in a hospital, and soon you start to have migraines and nosebleeds, well, there's a good chance it was more than a dream. When this happened to me, I could have sworn it was just a strange dream fragment. That was until my mother, who had been battling insomnia all night long for years, woke up very happy to finally be able to sleep without interruption for more than 8 hours. I guarantee that's not normal for my mother even now.
Dream of being at school or somewhere else with a group of friends, classmates, people you see almost daily, etc., but something feels weird and nonsense. I had many dreams of me being surrounded by classmates who seemed busy doing something while I was simply sitting next to them. I ignored them every time because if I don't see aliens or strange people I tend to believe I am having an ordinary dream. Well, one morning I was having such an ordinary dream where I was in my room surrounded by classmates and friends and as I was starring at them I heard somebody calling my name again and again. I turned my head the other way and at first, I saw a pretty old man wearing an old suit, like those business suits. Then as this man got closer to me he shapeshifted and I figured out that it was Geronimo who was trying to wake me up. At that time Geronimo was looking for me in astral to make sure I don't get in trouble, keeping me away from Reptilians and abductions. I haven't found out how he did that, but he was like a blessing. I must mention that I used to see him as an old man, I don't know if he used some kind of mental manipulation to shapeshift or it was just my brain that can't process things correctly in astral. It happened often.
Dream of meeting somebody who flirts or has sex with you but something's weird. Ok, I'm repeating that "something is weird" or nonsense or just doesn't feel right. You know that feeling that something bad is about to happen and then it happens. That's your intuition or third eye or whatever you want to call it. It works during abductions too. This is how I am able to decide if I simply had a dream or astral travel.
Dream of children, birth, and fetuses. It's common for abductors to do this sometimes terrifying thing. You would have a dream where known or unknown people show you fetuses or newborn babies that you are asked to hold. Sometimes you would dream of being in a known place with familiar people and a child would appear from nowhere calling you their parent. And sometimes, if you are a woman, you would dream that you were giving birth and the people around you are again both weird and familiar. All these dreams, especially if they are unusually short and kind of cut out of a larger dream, may reveal alien abductions, abductees who are also egg and sperm donors, are shown their or other hybrids at some point. Some people freak out, some not. I'm a mix of both.
Dream of the military taking you somewhere. This may reveal an alien abduction or a military abduction as well, sometimes it's both. Yes, the military abduct people too, they also make sure that abductors don't exceed certain limits, and sometimes they simply seem o join in. Eva Draconis talks more about this ( If you read the article linked in the brackets, you'll notice that during Eva's first contact with military abduction, a man told her "we're sending you home". Coincidentally or not, a man told me the same thing in my first experience with the military (in astral I guess). Military abductions are very terrifying (especially the Russian ones) because those men can be perverts and they work with Greys, with some very tall greys, in my case while Eva specifies that she saw military and Zeta Reticuli together. That's why, just as she hid under her desk, I used to hide under tables during such abductions, not only because I was a child scared to death, but also because the tall Greys couldn't reach me there. I wonder if the tall Greys were just an illusion made by Zeta Reticuli. I saw them a few times and I'm confused.
That was all, all the things I could think of. If you have any other suggestions, comment or send me a private email. I may update this article later.