I was a little girl and lost some important memories. But yet I remember a girl that appeared in my dreams. She looked a little like me and I felt so great being with her. We would spend time at her house, playing with some weird colorful machine. At that point, we didn’t really figure out how to play with our toy. But it wasn’t a toy. I don't know if I am able to describe it. It looked like a small sink where some colorful crystals or substances were mixed so that they would cause a breach, a portal to other dimensions/worlds.

Now, remembering her face, she looked like one of my best friends for me. She had wavy, brown hair, her skin was darker in color than mine. She always treated me like a younger sister. (Maybe it was Guide? Not sure, when I was younger I randomly dreamed of this girl but also dreamed about the girl with blonde hair, remembering me of my other best friend, and Guide looked like the second one in our last encounters).
A month ago I dreamed of her again. It felt like her house was placed where is placed my house, but hers is bigger and better than mine. I was very happy to see her again. During all their years, we grew up in different worlds (or maybe I am a fucking autistic schizophrenic, haha). Although she still has not managed to control the location and the opening of the portals, she continued to study the chemical structure of the substances; she became an unlicensed chemist and knew things I couldn’t understand. I also met again this boy with blonde, curly hair, a round pale face, and blue eyes. He was our friend, he WAS. And he was there when we planned our experiment.
That was the night I found out her name, her parents, who our friend was, and all the village, also, found out what we were going.

Carmen opened an interdimensional door, and I went into it to see what was beyond, this is how we planned to work, she was the chemist, and I was the field worker. I found myself in an old and dark corridor, I couldn't even see the wall properly. I went ahead until I thought I heard something, I just waited to figure out what it was. Bad mistake, more than 30 small black creatures came out of the dark in the blink of an eye. They looked like Djinns or some dinosaurs. I ran as fast as I could until I jumped out of the portal. I don’t remember if I told Carmen to hide or to close the portal, but it was the only thing I had time to scream. I just We hid behind a couch and watched the creatures coming into the house. Here is the part where the story becomes terrifying. We didn’t know that somehow the people living in our village had found out about what we were doing there, but they had gathered in a revolt at her house. When they broke into her house, the creatures attacked them, breaking them into pieces. It was blood everywhere. I am not sure what happened then, maybe I and Carmen tried to get out of the house in all that fuss.
I found myself looking at the ruins of Carmen’s house. It was the first time I shouted Carmen’s name. I was convinced that she was dead and I started crying, but she got out from under the ruins. She only had a small wound on her forehead. The boy had disappeared, I didn’t think about him at that moment. After we hugged we saw a dark car at Carmen’s gate. Some people looking like soldiers took Carmen’s parents into that car. Her mom was an obese woman, with curly, dark red hair and her father seemed to be a well-built man with black hair and a mustache, I don’t remember him well. And then there is another huge gap in my memory or I just woke up.
I wondered what happened with Carmen after that. It was a pretty long dream and I still don’t understand how all this astral thing works. (Still trying to figure it out). It’s also annoying that sometimes I remember details and even full dreams days later. And I am too lazy to note them all down -_- (Still I am :P)
After a couple of two weeks, I had another related dream, I found myself in a large white room, like a courtroom. I was with Carmen and the other two people, maybe her parents. I think they were Carmen's parents since they seemed familiar to me. A judge was standing in front of us and a well-known boy was there too. The blonde boy, the one who was our friend, betrayed us and denounced us, but I don’t know to whom.
We were accused, maybe because of that dimension travel we used to do. A man pulled me in front and asked me to admit that I was involved. I have no idea what I said, but when I was done I went close to the blonde boy and asked him why he did that. He replied that he had no choice. Then he hugged me and showed sympathy as I was trying to reject him, but I changed my mind quickly. I confused him with my bf for a moment. He came so close to my face that I thought he was going to kiss me. Everything became unclear. The next memory is of me being outside, on a plain in the woods. I got a feeling that the boy helped me escape in the end and it seemed that the judge's room was underground. He told me something while I was leaving if I’ll come back to him or something like that. I doubted and left. Then I woke up. I don't remember seeing the other ones escaping, although I thought I saw some more people being with the boy outside. However, I feel that they are fine, especially Carmen because just a few days after that dream I found myself at the edge of the wood near the place where I live, walking around with Carmen. I was in a lucid dream state at that moment and I was glad to be with her, I even took her hand and felt about her like she really was someone close to me.
My interdimensional family is very limited. There are Jack Horan- reincarnated father, Johnny-father and Carmen-sister (and now uncle Lewis too!). And there are other ones, the thing that actually makes me a common abductee. There is a 3-4 yo blonde girl, she’s a Grey hybrid and an albino Grey hybrid boy (and now a Reptilian clone-daughter too, thank you very much -_-).
(Well, at least there are several girls in my family because I got a lot of male friends -or genderless, but with male energy -friends in my interdimensional close friendships and only 2 or 3 girls. Haha, I should make a list of them, just for fun.)