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Orion Greys are Alpha Reticulans -March 2016 (edited 2019-2021)

Important note: the sentences wrote with italic font in brackets are comments or updates added by me in 2021. I looked a few times over my saved posts and added other details and opinions.

(Note: I tend to refer to genderless aliens as "he/him", rarely do I use it.)

A little differentiation between Alpha and Zeta Reticulans

Alright, here is what's going on. Some time ago, before I created the blog, I had a dream about a grey alien I named later Geronimo. I used to call him ''an Orion Grey''. I'm not sure why. Maybe I thought he was created by Reptilians from the constellation Alpha Orion, this is what I think he said. Hmm, maybe even his mind was a little blurry after all that has happened. But I've changed my mind a little bit, I think they rather were enslaved by Reptilians from Agenda. I realized this when I found new information on the website “Orion mind project”.

These Greys are different from Zeta Reticulans and they are taller than them. They are a distinct species. Anyway, it has been a long time since I last saw that Grey, what a nice being. But I've learned that his species wasn't like him at all. Ok, I said “him” even if he’s genderless. It’s a mental impression that a being gives you by behaving and thinking in certain ways.

Last night I had an astral dream, I dreamed that I was walking through a forest and there was a lot of mud around because it had rained. You’ll understand later why I mentioned this small detail. I could see a village in a valley and I really wanted to get there for no reason, I can never remember the moment I start materializing in astral, it’s like another version of me that behaves by itself in another world and I just remember what is going on. So I was heading to that place when I noticed an underground base on the edge of the valley, I could see it because it was half out of the ground or this is how my brain perceived it, in astral I have more possibilities of finding and seeing or knowing things. I ignored it; it’s not that easy to get into such bases, I’m there as an interdimensional being, but I am not the only one, there are a lot of militaries and aliens who can do this and they work on such bases, that’s why I don’t like to deal with me. I hate when they see me and follow me and threaten to “send me back home”.

Back to the story, a car passed by me, and the driver stopped suddenly, then a short grey alien came out of the car. Does this make any sense? It didn’t for me. By the way, the alien wasn’t the driver, don’t think about this. I had no idea how to react otherwise than staring confused and, meanwhile, other short Grey aliens came from the village, they surrounded me, I was even more confused since they were staring confused at me as well, they all seemed worried and surprised by my presence there. I am not sure how they looked; the one who came out of the car was definitely looking like Geronimo, but shorter, even shorter than me (I’m about 5.20ft). Maybe all of them were from Geronimo’s species. Then, I don't remember what happened, not even a single thing, it's a void in my memory.

In the next memory, I remember I found myself into that underground base after some time, I guess it was the same base I have seen before, in a large white room or maybe a large hall. There were many other teenagers and younger children. I also saw soldiers and Grey aliens working together, they all seemed to be so busy and walking from one place to another. All the grey aliens I saw were from Geronimo's species (Alpha Reticulans) and one more thing I noticed is that they had different heights, Geronimo is a pretty tall Grey, but this time I’ve seen ones even taller. A tall Alpha Reticulan who was supervising us behaved so angry and arrogant and told to all of us to do what he says or he'll beat us. I’m used to hearing people how scary Grey aliens are. However I couldn’t feel any fear this time, I’m scared of another species of grey aliens who are very tall and terrifying though. I don’t know what was in my head at that moment, but since everyone was scared or confused and did nothing more but stay in their place, I just went to the alien and asked him why he is acting like that. His behavior radically changed and answered me calmly, actually more like he was the victim “because this is how I was made”.

I wanted to tell him something back, but my attention was distracted by another short Alpha Reticulan that had just come into the base. He was so dirty, I mean covered with mud. When he passed by me I asked him:

-What's on your head?' -me -What's on my head??" -he stopped walking and touched his head. I could see clearly that he had three fingers on his hand, no fingernails and the skin was white, so he must have been an Alpha Reticulan. -Is it mud? -I asked -It’s also on your neck and shoulders. You must wash. -me -He looked very confused about “washing”, so he asked: H-ow to wash me? -Grey -Don’t you know how to wash? -me -No, we don’t wash because we don’t get dirty. -Grey

More info about Alpha Reticuli and Zeta Reticuli at Extraterrestrial Species.

I’m confused now because I am sure these aliens take baths somehow to clean their bodies and more, but not like us. Ok, I got it, maybe it’s because we were talking about “cleaning” and not about “taking a bath”. For them, baths mean more than cleaning the body of dirt that got stick to their skin, I guess.

I don't remember anything else after that, just another void in my memory. I wonder how this happens, existing here and in other worlds as well, I can’t get it at all, I need to start conceiving theories. I also wonder what Geronimo is doing now.

(I drew this pretty quickly so I'm sure it isn't very accurate, but it's enough for now. To see a larger version of the image on your computer or laptop, right-click on the image, then click on "Open image in new tab". This only until I figure out why I can't see the image to enlarge more when it's clicked on haha)

Update 2019: Geronimo was doing great last time I saw him, and Senkulpa as well, but this was about a year ago. I hope everything is still fine there because I keep meeting only Senkulpa in random travels. (What, did I meet Senkulpa in random travels? I don't remember anymore. I'm so glad that I keep updating these things because I start forgetting details really bad.)


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