Early in the morning, between 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM, after the cat woke me up once and I fell asleep again, I found myself walking on my village’s road (Wow, I figure it out it was the same place where I met geronimo, maybe it was just my perception, time and space are relative). I was 1 km away from my house. The sky was cloudy, it was cold outside and it was going to rain (now it's raining outside).

Suddenly I saw a little Grey alien walking on the road. I also saw Cela walking about 50 meters on the other side of the road, in a small crop. This Grey saw her too and ran to her as he would know her (Maybe it wasn't Cela, but my guide). He was really fast and at first, I thought that was a Grey alien I saw in a video on Youtube, a so-called “Emerther”. But my brain always mixes up memories like this. While running, he tangled in something like branches cut from a tree and fell down. Cela and I ran to help him. Also, a man came to him, it looked like a village man, but there was something dubious about him. The man took the branches away but the Grey was just sitting there. I finally saw his real shape, he was a Zeta Reticuli about 1,30 m tall. Because he didn't get up by himself and seemed scared or worried because he just kept staring, I leaned towards him and I took his hand. I took his hand trying to lift him up, but he didn’t mean to get up at all like he had no muscle strength. So when I tried to pull him, his hand just went to my cheek and I could feel his very smooth and cold skin. I noticed his white nails with a shade of gray. (Yeah, then I realized that it may be Senkulpa, and it really was). Then I grabbed his arm, near to the shoulder, and managed to get him up. That area of his body was a little warmer than my hand, it was, also, smooth and thick skin.
Only then did I notice that he no longer had the same clothes on him, instead of the usual full black suit he wore a white shirt. He had a gray and white shirt with double-layered sleeves, rolled up to his shoulders. I couldn't believe it. I thought it was just a dream and my mind was hallucinating (I became aware that I was dreaming) (and, also, now I know that maybe Senkulpa wasn’t dressed at all, but he made me believe he is dressed like a human so I can be comfortable with him, or..my mind is fucked up at perceiving astral)
-Cela, do you see that?? Tell me that it isn't just an illusion! but before to finish my exclamation, she almost shouted laughing:
-I can't believe it! A Grey dressed in a gray shirt with sleeves rolled up and no pants!! (so detailed that I got doubts. In the last years, I learned that every time I saw Cela or another good friend of mine, it was actually someone else, someone I call “Guide” now. I’ll have a long post about such things in the future)
I didn’t even notice that he had no pants and that his shirt was slightly below his hips. He was really small. He kept staring at us. Then my cat woke me up again in the middle of the action! Oh, that's life. I wished I could see what would happen next with that Grey.
But I realized some things. Yesterday evening I received a piece of sad news linked to my personal things. Half a month ago I had asked Commander Ashtar Sheran some things. I, also contacted, the first Grey I dreamed of because I wanted to find out if he was real or not. Well, it looks like he was. When I talked with Geronimo using hypnosis he told me that he's in a “good place” and there is someone else too. He meant a Zeta Reticuli and well, I am sure that the Zeta Reticuli Geronimo was talking about is the Grey I met last night.
Update 2018: I'm in 2018. And I was right, that Grey alien I dreamed of was the Grey Geronimo talked about. I called it Senkulpa later, it means ”innocent”. Since Senkulpa and Geronimo didn't work anymore for Agenda and started their own hybridization program somewhere in Asia, China, and Japan I think so. Geronimo became the commander of the program, and Senkulpa works as a caretaker for the hybrids. There are many humans and hybrids working with Geronimo and I was one more Grey alien working as a saucer pilot. They are about to reach their scope, creating a distinct mixed species. I'll talk about this in the postings of 2018.
(Update 2020: Geronimo and Senkulpa were so nice, but I guess they are too busy now, so I didn’t see them in a while. The last time I saw them was when they were trying to make me laugh because something/someone scared me, and since they aren’t good at this by nature, they brought another Grey alien who talked with me, but I can’t remember more than that he was joking about his fingers. That alien looked familiar later, he looked like another alien I saw when I woke up for a sec and I saw him taking blood from my hand. This one looked very worried because I was awake. I wonder if I am in Geronimo’s program, I guess not, not very sure. I’ll think about this too)