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First memories of abduction and the red marks 19.09.2016

(Ok, I’ll pass over the part where I explain why the blog’s name was “Aliens and the secret base” and why then I changed it to “Dear diary…aliens??!!”)

It is strange that my first alien abduction experiences started soon after I became very interested in alien phenomena for a sudden, I was 13. (Well, my first memories of aliens are since I was 6-8, maybe. Those are among the few memories my brain saved, no wonder why. The Greys and Reptilians were so scary at those moments. The Greys were mean and disliked me for being too nervous. Once I didn’t want to leave the kindergarten because there was a Mantid I liked so much, and I think I hurt her a little accidentally, one tall Grey scolded me for that. Another time, a Reptilian terrified my nights for one week. I realized that there were Dinosaurs too and hybrids and maybe short Greys, but I was just a child and I thought I just had tons of nightmares for no certain reason. And there is also that thing they still do, shapeshifting to look like friends or cartoon characters. Hmm…maybe it’s because my toxic childhood. It makes more sense.)

One night, I woke up, and I didn’t understand how I got from my room to the other one. I didn’t even realize that I was dreaming. (Haha, this is my second out-of-body experience, I mean astral dream. When I had the first one I was younger and I was so scared when I saw myself sleeping next to my mom that I thought my soul left the body forever). So I wanted to go back to my bed, but when I turned around I shuddered. There were four beings I’d never seen before in my front: one was tall and looked strong, but I couldn’t figure out more because it looked like a shadow and didn’t interact with me at all. Another one was a boy, he looked like he was 14-15 old. His skill looked pale at first, while his hair and irises were black. When I looked twice, his appearance changed. His skin was black, and so were his irises, but he had no hair anymore. Another thing I noticed was his grey T-shirt. (Or blouse, can't really remember now. Most hybrids wear grey, light blue, black, and white clothes)

Two of them were short Greys, having about 1,20m, but there was something unusual about them: their skin was green, reminding me of Martians. But everything looked weird and confusing for the first time. (Mm, it was a weird first clear memory of aliens, I don’t believe they were green, although some Grey-like species are green).

It was so real for me that I shuddered and took a step back. The boy reacted and told me not to be afraid. I asked, “How are you?” One of the Greys, who was shorter than the other one and whose skin had a darker shade and smaller, started to speak using weird sounds that humans can’t imitate. The boy immediately began to talk like he was translating: 'We walk among humans and make experiments on them without their knowledge (yeah, yeah, I heard this common story and it sounds more creepy when it’s detailed. At least then I was left able to remember more stuff, it looks like they don’t like dealing with someone who’s taller than them or who speaks too much and walks around). Then I'm not sure what happened. I saw the other Grey next to me as I was sitting in a bed in my house, but there was no bed where I was sitting. That grey had a larger head and it was just a little taller than the other one, he seemed to be like a doctor or something like that. And again things are blurred and then there was one scene where the boy told me something and wanted to put his hand on my forehead, but I didn't let him. I sat next to them and I told the boy ' aren't real. Aliens don't exist. I'm just dreaming'. The boy just smiled at me. (Alright, so all that thing was just to introduce me to the phenomena. Maybe I was even in a lab during all that, although it seemed I was at home all the time.)

They left for a while, but they came back the same night. When they returned, I was with a friend in my home and she was very scared. I tried to calm her for several minutes, but until to succeed I heard the shorter Grey, who seemed to act like a commander, saying something and then getting out the door. I asked 'Are you already leaving, guys?' and I followed them outside. When I opened the door I saw in the sky an enormous ship that was moving slowly. It looked like a type of white plate with bumps on it. The aliens were already gone. (Well not really, I remember they were leaving, and I also saw other weird and small creatures. No idea what they were, but they looked pink without hair or feathers and their heads were large. These are things that make no sense caused by MSE, so I can’t count them as something important or relevant.)

When I woke up I ignored the dream, but the next day I noticed on my left hand a little red dot. (Yup, it’s still there along with three more dots). But still, I wasn't too interested in what I dreamed. Only after a few weeks of documentation on the internet, reading about abductions, implants, and Grey species I remember that dream. Now, finally, I managed to understand all the dream: the boy was a human-reptilian hybrid who was supposed to talk to me (it seemed like a reptilian-hybrid) the two Grey aliens were from Zeta Reticuli, and that big creature, I'm pretty sure it was a Zeta Orion (tall Grey) because when they left I saw him as a robot. (Wow I don’t remember this, but yeah, tall robots are usually tall Greys. It may have been another species like a Reptilian type, working as a guard for the abductors)

Later, after another dream about a purple alien (a little weird) who came into my house, I noticed one more red dot appeared on my right hand. I will tell this story too because it's very short. One night I found myself astral again. I was in my room when I saw weird lights outside. I went to the front door and opened it. It was a huge almost circular UFO in the sky, in front of my house. The ship had a huge window through which I saw a humanoid creature. (This doesn’t make much sense, aliens can put fake memories in your mind or block them for a time. Sometimes I couldn’t remember anything for a few days or weeks). Once I noticed the alien, he left the window and suddenly appeared from behind the wall of the house, right in front of me. (Of course that I got scared, they aren’t good at introducing themselves). I shuddered, and I stepped back, stretching my hands as a sign of defense. The creature stretched his hand towards me too and told me telepathically not to be afraid. I asked "Who are you?" and I don't remember what he said. I remember he went into my house, we sat down on a couch that never existed in my house and talked for a while, but I don't know what, I just have an idea that it was about something I had to do (as an abducted for sure). After that night a new red sign appeared on my right hand.

I think that alien was an Alpha Reticulan. (Or maybe it was a memory screen effect-no idea how to call it else and I was somewhere else, not in my house).

That's all I got, sorry


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